
July 2018


How to use Business Whats App? Tips and tricks to use

How to use Business Whats App? Tips and tricks to use
How to use Business Whats App? Tips and tricks to use

WhatsApp is a simple tool like any other app in your mobile. The most used app by all internet user to communicate each other. Messaging fasten your communication with customers. Business WhatsApp is helping many businesses to simply the communication with consumers. This is one of the best Apps for Digital Marketing.

From last few years WhatsApp has modified numerous things that helped it to retain its customers as well as double them.

Some statics you can’t ignore about WhatsApp
  • 1.5 Billion WhatsApp Users
  • 450 million people use WhatsApp daily
  • 2nd most used app
  • 65 million messages a day sent through this app.
  • 100 a voice calls a day
  •  2 million users in china
  • 200 million users in India
The best thing of WhatsApp is that it is easier than any other app to use. Businesses don’t need to educate buyers or their customers about this App; so, it helps businesses to send their message to customers without any efforts. Another great thing of WhatsApp is that, this doesn’t cost a single coin. It’s free.

What is business WhatsApp?

How to use Business Whats App?
How to use Business Whats App?

Business WhatsApp is like the same WhatsApp that you have in your mobile. This simplifies the use of WhatsApp for small business owners to communicate with their customers in a speedy way.  WhatsApp officially describe about Business WhatsApp-:

WhatsApp Business is an Android app which is free to download, and was built with the small business owner in mind. With the app, businesses can interact with customers easily by using tools to automate, sort, and quickly respond to messages.
Business WhatsApp gives you following new things that a normal WhatsApp doesn’t have 
1. Labels – it helps businesses to categories their customers and chat
2. Business profile- her you can describe your business with website link, email, GPS location on Phone no
3. Auto Messages- The best thing is you can sent automated messages to users
4. Delivery Reports- You can see the no of messages are sent or received
5. Verification- You can verify it with landline as well.
6. You can run web WhatsApp in many laptops or desktops

Is WhatsApp business important for my business

Yes, and Of course this is very important for your business and if you are not using start using it and it will grow your customer retention.
Cold calling can’t help you much but messaging still exists whether it’s smart messaging or texting. WhatsApp helps you sending unlimited text, videos or Images with description of your products and services.

How can I use business WhatsApp for my company?

You can start it from the easier format. Some businesses are using for offers and services however you can use this for customer support as well. This will help your customers to retain with you.

How to start the business WhatsApp

Step 1- Go to  play store in your mobile and search business WhatsApp
Step 2- Download the Business WhatsApp and Agree with terms and conditions
Step 3- Add the business no, you can use landline no.
Step 4- Verify your no. if this is landline you will receive a call about the code, note the code and enter the code to verify it.
Step 5- Fill out all the information on it like business name, website, business location, email or phone no. that you want to show (Remember this will be visible to public)

How should I set up Business WhatsApp?

Setting is up the business WhatsApp business is easier but you need to be very farsighted while the filling the information. Put only the relevant information that you can’t to share it with your users or customers.
Don’t forget to use automated messages in business WhatsApp. Set up greeting messages and away messages that will help customers to engage with you and will show you the customers that you provide quick replies.
Open in different computers and scan the code. Many users can use a single business WhatsApp at the different system at the same time and can chat with 100s of customers. Be wise while setting up the business WhatsApp.
Please share your comments and share your thoughts regarding the article. I will discuss about it in next article

 Everything You Need to Know About Referral Marketing Program

Referral Marketing Program: Everything You Need to Know About
Referral Marketing Program: Everything You Need to Know About

From the past few years referral marketing has been acquired by many top brands and this is really helping them to grow faster than any other strategy for their business.

In Digital Marketing world when you plan about growing business online than you can’t ignore the referral marketing program.

Referral marketing program has helped several businesses to engage their customer and have helped them to retain their customers.
Many of the businesses are far away from referral marketing but in the coming years it will be necessity to bring loyal customers on board.
Referral Marketing Program: Everything You Need to Know About
Referral Marketing Program: Everything You Need to Know About
If you want build your brand or grow your online presence than you should not forget the referral marketing program.

What is referral marketing?

Referral marketing is when you get your customers to tell their friends about you.
This is a way of making fan following, creating a list of customer by obtaining support from specific sources or this is way getting referred your business to your customers friends
According to the New York Times, 65% of all new business comes from referrals. That means on average, two-thirds of consumers make purchases because someone they know recommended a particular product or service.
In normal words Referral marketing is a technique of promoting your products, services or your businesses to your friends.

How Referral Marketing help you in your business

This is great way promoting your brands organically without spending much on Advertisements. You just need to make great referral marketing program that engage your existing customer. The program should help retaining your customers and help you bringing new customer
Why should you use referral marketing?
Because you are human being and you always share your happenings and experience with your friends. When your friends recommend something to buy a product you definitely buy that and that’s referral marketing.
  • 92% of consumers trust referrals from people they know – Nielsen
  • People are 4 times more likely to buy when referred by a friend – Nielsen
  • Consumers rely on word-of-mouth 2-10x more than paid media. – Boston Consulting Group
Following are the few reasons to use referral marketing-:
  • It saves your marketing budget
  • It retains your customer and acquire new customer
  • It is user friendly and customer centric marketing strategy
  • It engages customers and gives them benefits to retain with the brand
  •  This way you not only save your money but also bring new customer.
Referral Marketing Process
Any referral marketing program depends on the product, service, nature of business and its type of customers.
Let’s discuss few things about referral marketing process-
  • Discuss with your sales and marketing team about the customers
  • Understand the customers behavior and trends of the business in your industry
  • Draw a plan with sales team about what they can offer to a customer if that bring another customer
  • Discuss the finances with marketing team and chalk out the promotion plan
  • Make digital marketing plan to advertise your referral marketing program
The success of referral programme depends on the sales and marketing team. You need to plan the great rewards, offers, discounts or cash back offers to bring more customers or retain the existing one.
I will discuss the details of Referral Marketing in next article. Happy Reading.
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