
February 2020


A Complete Guide to SEO: What You Need to Know in 2020

Search Engine Optimization is an aspect of Internet Marketing and this suggests that there are other traffic generating methods online; however, SEO is a favorite among internet marketers and business owners, because, it’s a perfect source of organic traffic. When you desire to build credibility and brand loyalty for your business, SEO should be your preferred starting point.

According to stats, 93% of online experiences start with the search engine. What does this mean to new business or even thriving businesses? The answer is simple. It means that under normal circumstances, every business has a 9 out of 10 chances of being discovered through search engines. No wonder why search engine advertising is very important for your business growth.

What exactly is SEO, and how can you use it to promote your online business?

What is SEO?

SEO Search Engine Optimization
SEO Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is a vital online marketing source that uses the search engine as a way of promoting online businesses. It is a very perfect source of free organic traffic. The search engines provide an organized structure for people to discover products or services online through conducting searches and using specific keywords.

According to Wiki the definition of SEO is as below

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine.

When people access your website as a result of specific keywords, they are regarded as organic, targeted, of primary traffic. Internet marketers observe that the inflow of people through search engines increases the conversation rate because they are interested in the product or service. 

For example, When people search for an “iPhone case” via Google, thousands of websites offering the product will be displayed with links to their different websites. When searchers click through the links they will be taken to the website, and because they conducted the search which indicates their interest in the product, there is a good chance the prospects will buy the product or perform other forms of action on the website; this is the importance of SEO and why it’s the number one source of online advertising. 

How SEO works:

Search engine advertising is made up of crawling, indexing, and selecting results. The search engine process is a technical one that requires solid knowledge and skill to execute. Below is a brief explanation of the process. 

First is the crawling stage. It is called spidering which simply refers to the act of scanning a website’s keywords, sections, contents, images, headings, and hyperlinks by bots. These bots crawl the internet constantly to update data. 

The indexing stage: After the scanning of the internet by bots, then indexing can occur. The result of crawling will usually lead to the successful addition of a website in a search engine which makes it visible. Indexing usually takes time depending on the quantity of data that requires crawling. 

Whenever there is a change or update made n a website, it will be crawled again.

Selecting the result:

After a search query is submitted by a website owner, the search engine kicks to action to investigate the index and extracts corresponding outcomes. 

The importance of SEO

Statistics show that about 93% of the world’s internet marketing traffic comes directly from an online search, while sixty-seven thousand (67,000) search engine searches are performed every second on Google. This is not all, 80% of people overlook paid ads in favor of search engine results.

These stats show the high relevance that search engine marketing has on other types of internet marketing. Below are some of the reasons why generating traffic through search engines is vital for your business.

1. Increased user experience:

Search engine optimization can boost users’ experience resulting in increased leads, clicks, and conversion rates.

2. It is an excellent source of primary leads:

SEO is a factor of inbound strategies including others like social media, referrals, content marketing, etc. Inbound tactics are an effective traffic generation avenue that is sure to result in the success of leads generation among B2C, B2B, and non-profit companies.

3. It brings about increased close rates:

Unlike out-bounds lead which has a close rate of 1.7%, SEO leads parades a whopping average close rate of 14.6%. This means that if a customer locates your service or products through searches, there is a very high tendency that he or she will either like your product, stay longer on your page, opt-in to your list or order your product.

4. Reduced advertising cost:

According to search journal, inbound leads coming from search result has the potential of reducing your cost of generating leads by 61%. Therefore, it reduces the cost of advertising hence boosting your bottom-line.

5. It promotes local business patronage:

With SEO, local clients may decide to visit your physical business address after their online search. Remember earlier in this write-up, it was declared that 91% of online experience begins through search engine searches, so imagine if after searching a particular keyword and your website shows up in number one result, the outcome will be a mammoth flow of leads to your website.

6. It builds the credibility of your business and brand loyalty:

Ranking on the top 3 search results will make prospects perceive you as an authority in your niche. It, therefore, shows that you are one of the best in your industry and this perception alone guarantees patronage and brand loyalty.

Types of SEO:

There are different SEO types, in this article, four types will be discussed briefly, and they are technical, on-page, local, and off-page SEO. 

1.Technical SEO:

This is the technical strictures that influence a website’s search engine accessibility. The core objective of this type of SEO is to guarantees the effectiveness of search engine crawlers among others which are:

  • Helping to optimize and check robot.txts that guarantees effective search engine website accessibility.
  • Adopting coverage reports to discover and correct mistakes
  • Creating and delivering XML Sitemap to the entire internet search engines
  • making websites loads very fast on mobile and desktop devices
  • Optimizing the URL and website structure.

2. On-page SEO:

This involves everything that has to do with the page plus how it can be made user and search engine-friendly. You must focus on optimizing all your site pages because search engine ranking is performed on a page to page basis. The key factors required for on-page optimization are:

  • Title optimization. This is very important because the title of your site pages shows up on page results; therefore, it should be interesting and attractive. Optimizing your H1, H2, and H3 tags for various sections.
  • Images: optimizing any image(s) used in your websites, if you don’t, search engines will not recognize it.
  • Page formatting: Always take time to beautify your images and text before you publish the website. Avoid the habit of wrong formatting as it will work against you.
  • Content SEO: This has to do with the quality of your website content and how you can make it better.

3. Off-page SEO:

Off-page SEO involves internet promotion. It focuses on the strategies adopted by you to advertise your website. There are different off-page SEO strategy, the major one is link building.

Popular websites have a greater propensity of receiving higher ranking than less-known sites. The major off-page SEO methods are link building and brand advertising, 

4. Local SEO:

This type of SEO is created or is best suited for offline or local businesses alone. If you operate a business locally and you have a website, should you need to redirect online traffic to your local business via your website, practice local SEO?

SEO activities

The higher a website is in a search engine result the more chances of being seen by prospects. A website that does not show up in the first 10 results may not be seen by searchers, and this is why businesses fight for top search engine placements or ranking. Therefore, the totality of this type of advertising is not just about getting on the search engine, but about getting top ranking for better exposure.

This is why the best SEO guide will focus mostly on how to rank high in search results and importantly making your website convert using strategies.

Performing basic SEO activity

On-page SEO is technical and very important if you want to get indexed and ranked in the search engines. In the past on-page, SEO was all about meta-tags, headlines, and optimized content. Today, it’s a new ball game, the new SEO trends involve doing things differently to enjoy SEO in 2020. 

So when creating your website, follow these tips:

  1. Discover what people are looking for before you start creating your website contents
  2. Apply headlines and title tags. Produce a very interesting meta-description, title tag, and headlines. Avoid keyword over-stuffing – it doesn’t work anymore. Focus on making an excellent call to action in your meta description. 
  3. SEO-friendly URL works any day, so use it as an optimization strategy. The best type of URL should be one that matches the theme of your website. For example, if your website is about “dog training,” your URL should have keyword relating to “dog training” like “
  4. Graphics and multimedia: Engaging your visitors is an excellent SEO ranking strategy. Google takes to account how long a visitor stays on your website and uses the action as a ranking factor. Therefore, optimizing your images, videos, is a good SEO and ranking strategy, also, adding interesting visual contents like Infographics, charts, polls, comments, etc will not only attract visitors, it will make them spend time on your website.
  5. Internal and outbound links: Give your website the needed relevancy. Linking to authority website through creating outbound link will shoot your website up search engine ranking


Search engine optimization is a type of internet marketing that involves generating traffic through the use of search engines. It is a favorite of internet marketing experts, and businesses too because it provides business credibility and brand loyalty, increases bottom-line, etc. In 2020, the use of SEO advertising will increase beyond anyone’s expectations. Therefore, individuals and business owners should possess at least a basic knowledge of the subject by attending SEO tutorials.

Brand Building Strategies

What is a Brand ? What are some Brand Building Strategies ? What are difference between Brand and Branding? There are a lot of question that arises. Here is the detailed guide for you about marketing, branding and brand building

We are going to discuss the following in this post-:

Table of Content

  1. What is a Brand
  2. What is Branding?
  3. What is not Branding ?
  4. Why Branding is so Important to everyone?
  5. Brand Identity Selection:
  6. What is Brand Sponsorship ?
  7. Brand Development

What is a Brand ?

A Brand is a term that is used for a Company, Product, Symbol, Design, Person or Any other service that is offered to customers that distinct from other similar things. There are multiple definitions by different marketing professionals and experts. Some of the are here-:

According to The American Marketing Association ,

“A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers”

Philip Kotler and Gary Amstrong defined the Brand as a-:

“name, term, sign symbol (or a combination of these) that identifies the maker or seller of the product”.

And P.Tailor of defines a Brand as a,

“Marketing tool that allows consumers to recognize the maker of a product”.

What is Branding?

 If you ask to me what Branding is ? I will define in simple words; branding is a set of activities to promote a brand In this, you will require an Advertisement, Promotion, and all other Marketing activities that required to make it different from others.

What is brand building? Do you know about Brand Building Strategies for 2020? 2 The Digital Chapters

Branding is a set of marketing activities aimed at the creation of a differentiated identity for company, product, service or an Individual. Branding puts one’s company in a distinct position from its competitors.

Branding is the focused marketing activities set, which aims at setting one’s business different from the others around. Brand of a company or group is the intangible value as perceived by its customers.

The brand-building process aims at creating a perception of additional value, apart from the usage value, which a customer should get when using a company or group’s product or services.  

Branding is a set of marketing activities and this is a process of building a brand. Branding starts from creating a logo and completed to turning customers into sales.
If you want to attract a customer to your product or service you do many things and that all is Branding. In this entire activity process to attract a customer you have to do many things like Finding a unique name, catchy taglines, attractive logo, Image and creatives of the product and service

What is not Branding ?

Many people get confused while understanding the real meaning of Branding. They think creating a logo, creative or an advertisement is a Branding and actually this is not.

Branding is more than what you think. This is a process to attract people to your brand.

What is brand building? Do you know about Brand Building Strategies for 2020? 3 The Digital Chapters

Branding is creating a brand and Brand is Branding.
Branding is -:
1. Who you are ?
2. What you stand for/ What is your purpose ?
3. Why it exists ?
4. How you are different?
5. How someone feel about it?
6. Who associates with your brand ?

Brand building is a set of unwritten commitments to one’s customers about the affectivity, consistency, quality, and the truthiness of purpose delivered as an additional package or bundle with the actual set of qualities borne by the product or service.

Branding and marketing are often confused with being all and the same. But essentially, brand strategy is one channelized marketing effort of building an emotional connection between customers and a company’s products, or services whilst marketing is the overall process of revenue generation from them.

Why Branding is so Important to everyone?

Brand building process is an extremely essential process to make long-lasting impressions in the minds of the common customers.

What is brand building? Do you know about Brand Building Strategies for 2020? 4 The Digital Chapters
  • Stand out a clear communication to people.
  • Identify and recognize your Brand.
  • It makes a credibility in the marketplace.
  • Connect with people emotionally.
  • Attract buyers to add the brand.
  • Branding helps recognizing a Brand.
  • Branding helps in referrals.

Brand identity instantly influences a prospective customer, which impacts buying decisions and propels him or her to choose a particular brand over others.

Thus, Brand Identity can catapult a prospective buyer to a revenue source of the company.

Brand Strategy creates an explicit recognition for a particular company or group’s business, commanding a higher degree of attraction amongst the masses.

The brand identity, if positively circulated, has the potential to generate heightened sales and add up to create a more extensive customer base. Branding, in itself, is an excellent source of advertising for a company or group.

The greatest asset of an established brand identity is the positive word of mouth advertisement which passes on from brand-loyal customers to the probable ones and increases their overall strength.

Brand Identity Selection:

The Brand building process starts with the selection of a particular brand name, the choice of a suitable tagline, a symbol, and a registered trademark for a specific company or group for unique identification amongst a wide variety of offers. A brand identity should clearly be in line with the vision and mission of the company or group. It should highlight

What is brand building? Do you know about Brand Building Strategies for 2020? 5 The Digital Chapters

the firm’s or group’s beliefs and values, which gives it uniqueness. Selection of Brand Identity should be in perfect sync with the ethics and moral value

Brand Positioning

Brand positioning refers to the place a brand wants to behold in the minds of the customers. It encompasses the brand’s promise revolving round the core benefits delivered by the product(s) or service(s) offered by the brand; over the nearest rivals of the brand. Brand positioning is a clear indicator to judge where a particular brand exists in the market, which is no short of rivals and competitors.  

What is Brand Sponsorship ?

Brand building process involves a strategic mix of decisions involving how a brand is primarily sponsored.

A brand can mostly be sponsored in the following ways-:

i. Manufacturer’s Brand

When the manufacturer of a particular item markets the goods produced by itself under its own name, it is called Manufacturer Branding.

The manufacturer, in this case, is called the Original Brand Manufacturer thus an original brand manufacturer retails the goods produced by it.

ii. Private Brand

When a brand is owned by a wholesaler or retailer of a particular product that is not produced or manufactured by them, then such a brand identity is known as Private Brand or commonly referred to as Private Label.

iii. Co-branding

It refers to the conscious coming together on collaborative terms by two or more parties to market a particular product or service. It happens when mergers and acquisitions take place amongst companies and also when a lesser-known company launches its product and uses the brand identity of a well-known company to aid the overall business.

iv. Licensing:

Brand licensing is when the owner of a particular brand allows some other firm to use its brand identity for marketing its products. The owner of the brand gets a tremendous amount of royalty for licensing its brand identity to the licensee.

v. Franchising:

What is brand building? Do you know about Brand Building Strategies for 2020? 6 The Digital Chapters

Franchising is a process wherein a brand owner issues permission to use its brand identity to another firm strictly on its terms and conditions. The franchisee has to adhere to these terms and conditions to the very core. Also, the franchisee has to guarantee the maintenance of quality norms and standards as demanded by the brand owner. The franchisee has to obtain permission from a brand owner to market any other brand in its facility. Also, it has to commit the promote and rescue the interest of the brand owner.

Brand Development:

A brand development process includes product line extensions under the roof of a brand. It also involves a brand extension, which essentially refers to horizontal expansion of the brand products or increasing the product mix.

A company or group has the choice of becoming a “House of Brands” or “A Branded House.” A house of brands essentially refers to when the owner prefers to hold multiple brands under the original or parent roof and markets each product, in its mix, as an individual brand in itself.

A branded house, on the other hand, incorporated the brand tag on all of its products, highlighting and showcasing the powerfulness and diversity in the range of products of one particular brand.

Brand Types

            Branding can typically be subdivided into three major types as described below:

The Corporate Brand:

A typical brand identity associated with a big Corporate House owning the brand under which many different products and product lines are housed is called The Corporate Brand.

For example, The Tata Group, The Coca-Cola Global brand, General Motors, and the like. Being a well-known identity, the Corporate Brand is easily associated with the customers, and a Corporate Brand’s products or services are instantly accepted and marketed fast as compared to other products or services which stand in direct competition with them.

The Product Brand:

Some firms believe that promoting a product’s or product lines’ name as a brand image in itself is suitable for marketing. Thus they promote the individual products’ name as the brand image; for example, Maggie, Kitkat, etc. are all products of Nestle Company, but they themselves are individual brands in themselves.

Fast Moving Consumer Goods market is also full of products where the individual products like Lifebuoy, Clinic, Fair and Lovely, Vaseline, Axe, Rexona, etc. are all brand names in themselves. Seldom are they correlated with the parent company brand that is Hindustan Unilever Limited. Similarly, ITC’s products, like Aashirwad atta, Sunfeast, Yippee, Candyman, Classmate, etc. are individual Product Brands. 

The Personal Brand:

Personal Branding is a type of branding and marketing that involves practices and activities aimed at developing a brand image and reputation of an individual or a group of individuals.

Individual names are associated with brands like The Trump Towers, which is a big name in the international real estate market.

What is brand building? Do you know about Brand Building Strategies for 2020? 7 The Digital Chapters

Celebrities such as actors, actresses, sportsperson are very much sought after for their personal brand. Some big shots of personal brands in today’s context are Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan, Aishwariya Rai, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sachin Tendulkar, Virat Kohli, M. S. Dhoni, Sania Mirza, Saina Nehwal, Tiger Woods, Kim Kardashian and so on.

What is brand building? Do you know about Brand Building Strategies for 2020? 8 The Digital Chapters

These individuals have excellent profiles in their respective careers. They are thus romped-in by business firms to endorse their products, which have an immediate impact on the customer base and are a sure-shot formula for increasing the sales of one’s products or services.

Thus we see that branding surely helps in creating a connection in the customers’ minds about the quality, value, and dependability of a company’s products or services.

Customers are very expectant when they come across new products or services of established brand identity and get easily moulded in choosing them and neglecting others around.

But, the brand-building process is a tenacious and long-term one. We cannot expect our company’s brand image to shoot up overnight. It takes an enormous amount of brand strategy and planning to go with personal efforts put in by individuals of the company to create a brand identity.

What is brand building? Do you know about Brand Building Strategies for 2020? 9 The Digital Chapters
Brand Building Process

Moreover, managing an established brand is far more complicated than building a new brand. Expectations from an established brand are far superior as compared to a new band. Thus, maintaining the quality and keeping up with the promises of the company as represented by the brand image is a tedious job.

Customers can quickly move away from a particular brand if their expectations are not fulfilled. Regaining brand identity is a very, very difficult proposition, for example, Maggie, which lost its brand image, had to face a very tough situation to regain its position back.

So, we need to be very cautious with our strategies and should try and develop an effective branding and marketing strategy to create a sustainable Brand Identity for ourselves.

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