
What is Native Advertising? Everything You Need to Know

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Native Advertising Market

A few years back native ads held a share of more than 60% of display advertisements and today they are the fastest growing ones in the market. If you have started working on them, then other players in the industry will earn additional benefit.

Today content has moved a step ahead and from being the king, content is now the emperor. It is so, because now search engines, especially Google, have started understanding context. This advancement has pushed content writers to change their approach to writing content.

This approach of writing understandable and goal-oriented content is termed as content marketing and now is the time to move ahead with native advertising market.

So, here is all you need to know about native advertising market.

What is Native Advertising?

Native advertising means paid advertisement. However, this type of paid advertising is a bit different from traditional paid advertisement.

Native advertising one of the format of advertisement and also called sponsored Ads or Content,
This is is a type of advertising that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears.
It looks like native content or original posts or content where you are reading.

Generally, people do not understand the difference between the content type and they keep reading the content like they were reading the post

Let us understand native advertising market with an example.

In a magazine, native advertising is like the addition of a content piece in the form of an article but actually, it is an ad. The placement of content and other elements around the content makes it look like an article, despite it being an advertisement.

What is Native Advertising? Everything You Need to Know 2 The Digital Chapters

There are three ways to present native advertisements:

  • In-feed ads: These advertisements are displayed on the news feed of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and others.
  • Search & promoted listings: These advertisements are displayed on the top or sidebar of the Google SERPs.
  • Content recommendations: These advertisements are displayed as recommended articles.

Native Advertising Market Segmentation by Product Type

  • In Feed Ad Units
  • Search Ads
  • Recommendation Units
  • Promoted Listings
  • In-Ad (IAB Standard)
  • Custom / Can’t be Contained

Native Advertising Market Segmentation by Application

  • Closed Platforms
  • Open Platforms
  • Hybrid Platforms

Purpose of Native Advertising

The purpose of native advertising is to publish your content in the best fit space to attract the relevant target audience.

Today, a lot of content curation is done and hence it is not easy to find an appropriate place for your content. However, content is the one thing which should be served to people regularly.

Also, the  biggest advantage of native advertising is that it proved helpful in pitching the right content to the right group of people, without leaving them to guess what the thing is gonna be.

How Does Native Advertising Work?

Primarily, the brand pays for the right placement of their content on the choice of their platform for native advertising.

Selection of the right platform is important like any other thing.

Secondly, the content should be the reflection of your brand. It should talk about what your brand is about, the purpose, aim, mission and vision.

The brands actually pay to rent a space on the platform to promote brands.

Lastly, after the finalization of content including approval and other go-aheads, this content is tagged with a “warning” such as “Advertisement” or “Paid Advertisement.” This offers clarity to the target audience and is seen as an advertisement.

Native Advertising Trivia

70% of individuals wish to know more about products via native advertising instead of traditional advertising.

The demand for native advertising increased by 18%.

The CTR is 1% greater for the pets, food & drink, and family & parenting categories.

People trust native advertisements more in comparison to traditional advertising. It can be understood from the fact that 2 out of three-generation X and Z consumers trust native content more.

Native Ads, Native Advertising

Native advertisements have a CTR of 40x in comparison to classic display ads.

Know Why is Native Advertising Effective

The primary reason behind the effectiveness of native advertising is that the audience accepts them better in comparison to other advertising methods. This practice proves helpful to increase the involvement of users.

The audience does not experience it as advertisements, the audience enjoys viewing it and also purchase products by referring to them.

Native Advertising

Another reason behind the effectiveness of native advertising is that it spreads the word about the brand to a larger group of target audiences. However, the traditional advertisement is taken as a regular advertisement by the audience.

The addition of content marketing has increased with the increasing scope of digital marketing and native advertising is the way to spread the message loud and clear. These two things work in the favor of native advertising.

With technological advancement, the viewers also know how to turn off the unwanted ads and marketing messages are strictly prohibited from their pages.

Native advertising and content marketing find new ways to make space for brands on the pages of the target audience.

This blog is an overview of the native advertising market. We will talk about the same in-depth in our upcoming blogs. Stay tuned with us till then.


Marketing Strategist|| Digital Marketing Professional || Content Marketing Expert

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