
March 2018


How to Write Meta Descriptions to Boost Your SEO

How to Write Meta Descriptions to Boost Your SEO
How to Write Meta Descriptions to Boost Your SEO

Have you ever had to wonder why some of the Google search results do not have any content below them? Have you wondered while some links have content telling you what is inside, some have absolutely nothing? Will you click on the link with no description or content below it? Definitely not!Well this small description that really catches the attention of the readers is what referred to as the Meta description. And it is imperative for every website to have one and if you have a website you should pay close attention to having the right Meta description for it. This is the attempt a website makes to catch the attention of the consumers and encourage them to click on your website link.

How to Write Meta Descriptions for your website SEO 1 The Digital Chapters

Importance of Meta descriptions

It is not just about catching the attention of consumers for which the Meta description is used. It is also one of the key factors used by the search engines to rank the websites. Without the right description or the absence of a meta description could potentially lead to loss of leads, visitors and eventually loss of possible consumers.

How to Write Meta Descriptions for your website SEO 2 The Digital Chapters

While Meta description is widely understood as the one that is featured on search engine results, they are not limited to that. Whenever people share the content of your website, on social media, the same description will be featured.

How to Write Meta Descriptions for your website SEO 3 The Digital Chapters

While Meta description is definitely taken into account for ranking, it is not included as such. So you don’t have to jam up your Meta description with the keywords for the sake of ranking. However, we would suggest that you look at human behavior when using the right Meta description. Won’t you want your customers to know that the link is what they need to try for their outcome?

Tips for writing the best Meta descriptions to boost SEO

Meta description is only a few sentences that you need to use for boosting the importance of your website and to catch the attention of your consumers. The Meta description should be written with the objective of gaining a click and every word should reflect the passion. You need to ensure that you present facts while meeting with the consumer expectations. It is easy to write or modify a Meta description but since you wouldn’t want to be changing them too often, here are some tips to get it right the first time. 

CTA is another key in having the Meta description to work for you. A sales copy is only considered great if it is in the present tense and has actionable words to it. Also your words should inspire the reader to click on the link and go through the same. In fact your words can make the reader to beyond their search and raise their curiosity.

Make your Meta description be the answer that the readers are searching for. Every time a person is looking for something online it is to either read or buy or know about something. This will make your website more competitive.

Do not have long descriptions as that may not retain the attention of your consumers. Be honest and yet inspire the reader to proceed.

Meta descriptions may not have a direct impact on your SEO and yet they do have a crucial role to play in getting the much-needed click-through.  

Top 10 best Digital Marketing Blogs every Marketer should read every day 

Top 10 Digital Marketing Blogs
Top 10 Digital Marketing Blogs

How you can keep growing in Digital Marketing? Do you want to keep learning in Digital Marketing? My answer will be’ Yes’ Because in digital marketing you need to be very active and alerts; what’s trending and which tactics is working. You need be carefully all changes and happenings in internet marketing. You can keep learning with the following blogs where industry experts and top digital marketing professional keep sharing their knowledge

The Moz Blog 

Top 10 Digital Marketing Blogs
Top 10 Digital Marketing Blogs
When it comes to learn about SEO- search engine optimization than you will remember Moz blogs. Learn about DA and PA from their blog. What is link building and how SEO works? This is the perfect blog for this.


Top 10 Digital Marketing Blogs you should read daily 4 The Digital Chapters
Are you tired of Google Analytics or any other Analytics platforms than you need to learn about how analytics work? What is data and what is the role of it in Internet Marketing? Kismetrics gives you detailed knowledge of analytics and insights.


Top 10 Digital Marketing Blogs you should read daily 5 The Digital Chapters
MarketingProfs is like learning through Marketing Professionals. It shares on blog multiple types of posts including SEO, SEM, SMO and Other Marketing formats. It takes you through the depth of marketing and variety of content for internet marketing however it requires you to sign up to read all but gives you unlimited free resources.

HubSpot blog

Top 10 Digital Marketing Blogs you should read daily 6 The Digital Chapters
one of the favorite blog of Digital Marketers. There no Internet Marketing professional whose has not seen their blog post. This is known as Inbound Marketing. If you have not read their blog posts you are not expert in Online Marketing.


Top 10 Digital Marketing Blogs you should read daily 7 The Digital Chapters
If you are planning to learn about new strategies for content marketing and this is the best platform. It provides you latest techniques and trends in content marketing. For bloggers and writers, this is a must read blog.

Search Engine Journal

Top 10 Digital Marketing Blogs you should read daily 8 The Digital Chapters
Search Engine Marketing is one of the best ways to promote your products and services on the Internet and to learn the latest trends and tactics search engine journal is the best resource for any digital market. Once you start learning about SEM or PPC marketing than you will realize the importance of this blog. Don’t forget to get their E-books

Marketing Land

Top 10 Digital Marketing Blogs you should read daily 9 The Digital Chapters
You are on MarketingLand’s blog then you are on the planet of marketing where you learn about all aspects of Digital marketing. They take you through all steps of Marketing including Social Media, Analytics, SEM, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Viral Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and more. You can learn all these things by their free resources like e-books, free guides, tips and tricks, articles, blog posts and infographics

Social Media TODAY

Top 10 Digital Marketing Blogs you should read daily 10 The Digital Chapters
As its name suggests you its meaning. SMT social media today gives you the updates and strategies for social media marketing. If you think you are not good in Social Media marketing or management then you can start reading this blog and you will become an expert. They provide you infographics, tactics and great tools for social media marketing

Content Marketing Institute

Top 10 Digital Marketing Blogs you should read daily 11 The Digital Chapters
In this year content marketing is trending and if you want to know more about content and how this work than you should keep learning from this blog. They provide strategies, content marketing plans, and trends in different industries

10. Social Media Examiner

Top 10 Digital Marketing Blogs you should read daily 12 The Digital Chapters
Its not about the Examiner that you have seen in Exam rooms it’s all about the struggle and challenges you face while marketing on Social Media. Social Media Examiner guides you throughout the social media channels. How you can grow fast on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram or so on. This blog gives you depth knowledge of social media.

Some other blogs you also need to read

Coshcedule Blog

Hootsuite Blog

Buffer Blog

Top 5 SEO Basics You Need to Master right now
Top 5 SEO Basics You Need to Master right now

Are you new to SEO? What are some basics of SEO that need to master without any technical experience? Let me explain you the importance of SEO and How SEO can help your Business or website.

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

As per MOZ blog, SEO is a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results. SEO encompasses both the technical and creative elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic, and increase awareness in search engines. There are many aspects to SEO, from the words on your page to the way other sites link to you on the web. Sometimes SEO is simply a matter of making sure your site is structured in a way that search engines understand.

 Why SEO is Important for your Business?

There are multiple of benefits of SEO apart from web traffic. A few of them are below-:

  • To rank your website in search engine.
  • To increase web visitors or traffic.
  • Grow your organic search or bring direct traffic from all sources.
  • Grow organic leads and grow sales.
  • Rank in Local Search.
  • Best for building brand’s credibility and reliability among users.

Following are top 5 points on SEO that will help you to master your SEO skills and help you improving your website.

1. SEO Basic- Link Building

Links are an integral part of any SEO strategy without that help you growing your rank in Google. It is also one of the most important factors used by Google for their ranking. And it has not changed over time as well which means knowing it will help you building a better ranking. A recent study proved that with the decrease in the number of links in a website, the ranking also consistently drops in Google.

Top 5 SEO Basics You Need to Master right now
Top 5 SEO Basics You Need to Master right now

While it is not easy you can definitely get the links by using two of the most trusted methods.

  •  Writing testimonies for the companies you have had the chance to work with and take their link for posting in your website.
  • Provide a case study, an original story that will showcase the results and the case study of the client will also mean you can use their link to the story.
  • With these two basic methods, building your links is not so difficult.

2. SEO Basic- Content

This is again a very integral part of the ranking algorithm. Google and other search engines are constantly trying to provide their viewers with updated information and hence if you had recently updated your website then your chances of a better ranking are high. And content is also the place where you use the keywords which is the key to get a better ranking. Ensure that you repurpose the older content and also try different forms of content to provide variety.

3. SEO Basic- Meta descriptions:

This is the headline that gets displayed when your website is displayed on the search result of any search engine. It is also the first impression that you get to make on your client. This is what let the clients know whether the result is relevant to their search or not and if they should be clicking on the link. Your CTR will improve with the right meta description which means including keywords and catchy phrases is of utmost importance.

4. SEO Basic- UX

UX or User Experience is another factor taken into account by Google for ranking your website. And this means you need a better design, better content and of course a better loading time. And most importantly you need the navigation made as easy as possible for the clients to traverse through.  Keep your website free of clutter, simplistic and provide a better speed, by limiting the number of ads on display.

5. SEO Basic-Go mobile

With the chances of Mobile first indexing soon expected at the Google algorithm, it is imperative to make your website mobile ready for a better ranking. Make sure that your website is mobile friendly and try to optimize the local SEO on your website. And try to also make it optimized for a voice search on smartphones.
It doesn’t require you to have technical skills for creating an SEO friendly website. Once you have the basics well defined and understood, you can then focus on improving the other metrics for improved ranking.

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