
Best SEO Tools


Top 10 SEO Tools for 2021

Last year in 2020, We explained to you about the best SEO tools 2020, and this time we are back with another blog post best SEO tools 2021. What are the top SEO tools free and paid.

SEO i.e. Search Engine Optimization plays an important role to make your content rank high on the search engines. Here we have listed the best SEO software to help you with content visibility on the search engines to increase user engagement, website traffic, and profit ratio. Let us have a look at all of them one by one.

1. Ahrefs:

If you are struggling with link building, Keyword research, competitor analysis, rank tracking, site audits, and local keyword analysis then you should use Ahrefs.

Ahref Webmaster tools is free and also it provides you free Web extension that you can use in Chrome and Firefox

Ahrefs is the number one SEO tool to crawl the content. The Site Audit feature of Ahrefs proves helpful to figure out the elements of your content which need improvement to rank high in the search engines. From a competitor outlook, you would prefer using Ahrefs to find the backlinks used by the competitors, as the same with a twist can be used in your content as well. 

Ahrefs is useful to find links relevant to your niche, find and fix broken links on your website, and also get an overview of your best-performing pages.

Top 10 Best SEO Tools to use for SEO in 2021 1 The Digital Chapters

2. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is the second best SEO tool. This tool comes free of cost with each website allowing you track and report website’s growth in Google SERP.

You are only required to verify the website by adding a code to the web page via Google Analytics. By doing this, you can submit a sitemap of your website for indexing.

After this, however, you do not require a Search Console account to rank in the search engine as your indexed pages will reflect as your account. Google Search Console is one of the top SEO tools that let you understand how Google works and users view your website so that you can optimize the website to perform better in Google search results.

Top 10 Best SEO Tools to use for SEO in 2021 2 The Digital Chapters

3. SEMRush

SEMRush is another SEO tool that is highly used for the optimization of websites. SEMRush permits you to access ranking and figure out changes along with new ranking opportunities. One prominent feature of SEMRush is the Domain Vs Domain analysis.

This feature lets you compare your website with that of the competitor. By having a look at analytics reports you can have a better understanding of your website’s search data, traffic.

You can also compare keywords used by competitors. SEMRush one of the top 10 SEO tools helps you track website ranking and ways to improve website performance.

4. KWFinder

KWFinder is another top SEO tool that proves beneficial to figure out long-tail keywords which are less competitive in comparison to others. This SEO tool is the best to get in-depth analysis reports on backlinks and SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

The Rank Tracker tool of KWFinder finds your ranking easily. You can also receive a bunch of new keywords to improve ranking by creating content with more relevant keywords.

5. Moz Pro

Moz Pro is another one of the top SEO tools which stays updated in spite of continuously changing Google algorithm. Moz Pro helps to receive in-depth data against any question asked.

It also works in case you are wondering for keywords to crawl a website or any other SEO requirement. The free MozBar toolbar can be downloaded to witness your website’s metrics while browsing a page.

6. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest, one of the top SEO tools designed and developed by Neil Patel. This is a free keyword finder tool which proves beneficial for you to figure out keywords. Not just this, it also shows the reasons for high ranking of keywords in SERPsFrom starting from short to long-tail phrases.

You can also find the accurate terms to use on your website as Ubersuggest also offers suggestions from keywords.

Metrics Ubersuggest comprises keyword volume, competition, CPC, and seasonal trends in its report. Ubersuggest is ideal for organic SEO and paid PPC as this SEO tool assists you to find how competitive a specific keyword is or not.

7. Answer The Public

Next amongst the top SEO tools is Answer The Public. This SEO tool lets you figure out the trending topic to write blogs for your website. This tool is ideal to use for content curation while keeping keywords in mind for a better ranking on the search engine.

For example in the fitness niche. This tool can be used for curating content with keywords such as fitness, yoga, running, Crossfit, exercise and expanding the audience reach.

It’s great for finding featured snippet opportunities. This is one of the most impactful ways for content creation to rank high on the search engine.

8. SpyFu

Ranked at number eight, SpyFu is also a top SEO tool. You can select the paid service to begin expansion with the first step. You can increase the number of times a keyword is searched every month by evaluating the ranking difficulty of that keyword.

You can also have a look at keywords that your competitors are using to know many organic keywords can be used to receive clicks, Google ads, and more.

9. Woorank

One of the top 10 SEO tools is Woorank. It provides free and paid options to monitor and prepare a report of your marketing data.

You can check the keywords used by competitors to add them in your content to rank higher than them. Understand how keywords perform and then optimize the same for users and search engines.

Last but not least know the things which need improvement on your website both technically and content-wise as well.

Woorank proves helpful in the identification of content redundancy and security issues. Woorank offers guidelines to resolve the same.

10. Majestic: Marketing SEO Tools

At number 10 is Majestic.

Majestic has a number of features which helps to make a website rank high in the search engines. The Site Explorer feature of Majestic also lets you get an overview of the number of backlinks you have received for the website.

All the above-listed are the top SEO tools which prove helpful in ranking websites high in the search engine.

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