
March 2020


5 FAQs about GMB; How Do I Add My Business to Google Maps?

Following will be a list of FAQs that will give you access to understanding your google my business better and knowing some features about the verification processes, the customer service support, the location and info edits and entrance and even more.

Google My Business FAQs

10 FAQs about GMB- Google my business frequently asked questions 1 The Digital Chapters

Q 1.1. What is Google My Business Q&As?

Google My Business Q&As is a feature that google gives you to answer to the asked questions by potential customers.

Anyone can answer the questions and give their opinion, so it’s better to answer the questions regularly to avoid people confusion.

You can read more about GMB Listing

Q 1.2. Can I edit an answer that I wrote before?

Fortunately, you can edit an answer that you wrote before, but it shows people that this answer has been edited.

For How Long does it show Edited? Forever, so it’s better to write the most clear and correct answer from the first time to avoid miscommunication and to look professional.

Q 1.3. Why isn’t my answer showing in the Q&As section?

If your answer isn’t showing in the Q&As section, then it means that your answer contains information that is considered to be violation by google, like links of website that are not allowed or certain words.

Q 1.4. Can I delete an answer that a random person answered?

You can’t delete every answer that you receive but you can delete fake answers and reviews OR report and flag them, and make sure to enter and update your answers and reviews regularly to avoid miscommunication with your customers.

How should I get my business Verified on Google My Business

Q 2.1. How to make Google verify my business?

There’re different ways of verifying your business via google that you can choose from:

Verify by email

  • Log in to your google account if you’re not already logged in.
  • Enter your email information correctly.
  • Check your Email inbox and copy the code that was sent there.

Verify by phone number

  • Log in to your google account if you’re not already logged in.
  • Enter your phone number correctly.
  • Copy and paste the code that was sent to your phone number OR enter the code that you received from the call.

Note that this option is not allowed to all of the businesses.

Verify by Postcard:

  • Login to your account if you’re not already logged in.
  • Double check your business location that you previously entered.
  • Choose the option of “verification via post mail”.
  • Enter the code that you receive on the postcard.
  • This option isn’t available to all the businesses.

Note that if you change the location before the postcard is received, you will result in elongating the process of it being sent or you might cause it not to be sent at all.

The process takes from 5 days to 2 weeks normally.

If the card was lost on the way or was never sent, you can choose to resend the verification.

Q 2.2. What is Google My Business pin?

The Google my business pin is the code that you receive for the verification of your account information or general setting.

It consists of a number of numbers or alphabets that you need for the verification process to be complete.You can receive it via the different channels that was mentioned above including:

  • The Post card method,
  • The phone number method, or
  • The email method.

We recommend that if you don’t receive your request within a number of 14 days, then you should contact the customer support service from below…

Google My Business location

10 FAQs about GMB- Google my business frequently asked questions 2 The Digital Chapters

When you create a location of a business, it automatically gets associated to a place on google maps, including all types of business whether service providing or not. We recommend you do this when creating a location:

  • Include a place ID only. The response to API errors specifies if latitude or longitude coordinates are required.
  • If you’re a business owner who drives the process, Google Maps JavaScript Places widgets and Geocoding APIs offer the best and easiest experience for you to drop a pin on a map to precisely locate the business.
  • New developments and high-growth regions might require latitude and longitude coordinates. Normally, Google Maps establishes place IDs, addresses, and latitude-longitude data.

Locations and places have a many-to-many relationship. There can be multiple locations associated with a single place ID.

For example, departments within a mall or hospital are multiple locations. Conversely, there can be multiple place IDs associated with a single location.

Q 3. How to create a location?

  • Log in to your account if you’re not already logged in.
  • Choose to edit information, then the location section.
  • Enter the location of your business then draw the pin on the map to the right place.

Google My Business GMB customer service/ support

Q 4. How can I get to Google my business customer service for help?

You can get the customer service via different channels depending on what’s more applicable for you including:

Q 5. What do I need Google My Business customer service for?

You need Google My Business customer service for different things including but not limited to:

  • If you flagged a fake account but it’s not disappearing.
  • If you need further information regarding anything.
  • If you can’t log in to your account.
  • If you can’t change a certain information.
  • If you want to edit an answer to a question or a review but it’s not showing

Q 6. How can I use Google my business on mobile?

You can use Google my business app that is free. You can download it from Google play store. Using this app you can interacts with customer. Download for android from here and for Apple or iOS

Q 7. Why should I verify my business?

It is important to every business owner to verify one’s business so that you can manage your business. There are many benefits for verified business owners. You can reply reviews, add more photos and edit your business information, modify your business details time to time if you are a verified business

Q 8. I already have a website about my business so why should i create a business profile on Google my business

 It’s good to have a website for your business. Creating a business profile on Google means you are showing your business to your customer on Google maps and search. So, they can easily reach to your business. It helps you to find more customers.

Q 9. Can anyone make changes to my business listing on Google ?

Yes, anyone can suggest changes to any existing listing on Google. But, If you are a Verified Business Owner the suggest changes will not be visible until you approve them.

Sometime if you don’t respond to ‘review updates’ by Google there are chances it will be visible to users

Q 10. How can I remove fake reviews from my business listing on Google?

It’s not possible to remove any reviews from Google listing one it’s live.

But there is option you can request to Goole to review it. Go in your Google my business dashboard and “flag as inappropriate” and submit it.

If this is not removed you can reach to Google my business support and take a look at the case

GMB- Google my business complete guide a beginner’s guide

When any business search for GMB Guide then the first Question come to mind is How to add business to google? or How to get my business on Google? To add your business to google, read this GMB guide which will help you understanding all steps of Google my business and learn about ‘ How to get your business on Google?

Go through this guide to know how to get this done effortlessly.

Table of Content

  • What is Google My Business (GMB)?
  • Why is Google My Business important?
  • How Much Does Google My Business Cost?
  • How to add business to google:
  • How to verify my business in GMB?
  • How to optimize my business?.
  • Google My Business Reviews:

Following is a mini-steps GMB guide to know everything about how to claim a business on google

What is Google My Business (GMB)?

Google My Business of GMB is free tool on Google to list you business online. With this Platform you can list your business on Google Search, Google Maps and Other Google Platform. This is the best platform for Local SEO.

Google my business is an application that allows you to manage how people find you when they search “A business near me” or similar synonymous.

It allows you to portfolio how people sees you through inserting your working hours, putting and changing your address, adding photos that describes your business and much more.

A group of icons and services that describes how exactly you want people to see you.

Why is Google My Business important?

If you need a lot of sights and attention toward your business but you still need to give the least effort and money while focusing your attention on other tasks, then this definitely is made for your business. Why Google my business is important for you ?

  • Engage with your customers and Find new prospects free 
  • List your business free on Google search and Google Maps
  • Post your business photos, offers, events, and announcement
  • Let your prospect reach you by Calling, Messaging, reaching to your website or your store using Google directions to your location
  • See how customers have connected to you and analyze it by Insights.
  • Collect reviews and maintain your business rating

Google My business directs the consumer to you and your business not because they want it or because they want to take a look, but because they actually NEED it!

This causes the directing rays toward your business to increase dramatically and by turn increases your sales!

How Much Does Google My Business Cost?

Fortunately, Google my business is 100% Free, once you finish all the setups and verification, you’re ready to invade the search, the only condition you’ll need though is to have a physical attendance.

If you do, then you’re ready to dive more in the details and know how to get your business in google through the following steps…

How to add business to google?

The steps are utterly easy, effortless, and free, bear that in mind and get your seat belt on!

Step 1: Create a Gmail account

Kindly add extra verification (preferably double verification) and security methods because this account will be the main account that you will be handling all of the controls of the GOOGLE MY BUSINESS from. (If you have an account already, please make sure from the extra verification and security methods).

Step 2: Log in to your google account

Please be reminded that this account will have all of the administrator rights to any future edits to the Google My Business listings, and its safety is of the safety of the business.


Search in Site bar with this link

After you visit the website, please click on the blue icon “Manage Now” icon from the upper right corner of the page. If you are new and have Gmail Account than you can Sign in here.

How to add business to google:

Step 4: Enter your business name in the indicated area

If you have a past google listing already, choose it and go on, but if you don’t have, then select the blue icon that says “Add your business to Google”.

Note: enter the name precisely and make sure of the spelling.

Enter your business name in the indicated area.

Step 5: Choose the category that fits your business

In this part, you’re asked to choose the service that you provide to your clients, so for example, if your business is a bakery, then choose the option “bakery” from the list of options.

Choose the category that fits your business.

Step 6: Add your services

Choose the category that fits your business.

In this step, your asked to choose if you provide either catering or delivery, if you provide any of them, then you need to tick it as right and you can also add a custom service other than those two if you have any.

Step 7: choose if you have a physical attendance (an offline location that the customers can visit) or not.

GMB- Google my business complete guide a beginners guide 4 The Digital Chapters

It’s preferable that you have a physical location, choose what’s applicable for your business.

Step 8: Enter your location

Notice that the location that your going to enter or choose would be the location where the researchers would visit.

GMB- Google my business complete guide a beginners guide 5 The Digital Chapters

Step 9: Choose whether you also serve the customers outside the primary set location (like delivery, or other locations, etc..)

GMB- Google my business complete guide a beginners guide 6 The Digital Chapters

Step 10: Add the areas you serve.

This question is an optional question, so if you don’t wish to answer it, you can just click “Next” but we advise you to choose some multiple areas to let your customers know that you serve a wide range of area (If possible).

GMB- Google my business complete guide a beginners guide 7 The Digital Chapters

Step 11: Add your contact details

In this part, you need to insert your number and country code and choose the means of communication.

If you don’t have a website, GOOGLE MY BUSINESS would make you a one that;s totally free, so choose your applicable options wisely.

GMB- Google my business complete guide a beginners guide 8 The Digital Chapters

Step 12: Choose whether or not to get notifications

If you’re a business that gets reviews and feedback continuously and you want to keep being updated, then choose yes, otherwise choose no if you’re okay with a zero inbox.

GMB- Google my business complete guide a beginners guide 9 The Digital Chapters

Step 13 and the last step in the filling part: is to check your abilities and click ‘Finish”.

GMB- Google my business complete guide a beginners guide 10 The Digital Chapters

After knowing how to add business to google maps comes the next part which is, how to verify my business.

After finalizing all of your information, your basic GMB index is about ready to use, but before you gain the total control and management of the GMB, Google will need to know that you’re not a scam, so you’ll go through the verification.

How to verify my business in GMB ?

The means of verifying your account are diverse, you can verify it by one of these methods:

  • By phone
  • By postcard
  • By email
  • Instant verification
  • Bulk verification

Verification by phone

  • Not all of the businesses are allowed to be verified by phone, so check if you’re eligible.
  • If you’re eligible, make sure your phone number is typed correctly then choose the option.
  •  Enter the code that you received in the area of the code then click “verify”.

Verification by post mail

  • Make sure that the location of your business is correct because that’s where the postcard would be sent.
  • Choose the option of the post mail verification.
  • Please make sure that if you want to change the location of your business, then you’d need to wait till the postcard is received before doing so, because it might elongate the process of receiving the postcard.
  • After you receive the postcard, log in to your GMB account then enter the code on featured on the postcard.
  • IF the card was lost somewhere before you receive you, you may choose to Resend verification.

Verification by Email

  • If you’re not logged in to your GMB account, then please do.
  • Make sure your email address is written correctly.
  • Choose verify with email, and enter the code that was sent on the email.

Instant verification

  • This verification method is used to verify your account immediately after you finalize your data, it’s not allowed for all of the businesses so no need to worry if you don’t find it.
  • You verify the account immediately using the console tool, a tool used to let you check the health and performance of your website’s search.
  • If you don’t get the option to verify using this method, you can choose another method.

Bulk Verification

  • You can only use this method under some qualifications, for example, you need to be a company that has more than 10 locations, You must not be a service business or agency though, and the 10 locations of your company must be for the same business.
  • If you have those qualification then you can choose this type of verification.
  • Login to your GMB account if you’re not already logged in, then choose “chain”
  • Fill out the verification form then submit it.
  • The answer to your verification request might take up to 5 working days, till Google reviews your request.

Hope that these steps have helped you to learn about Google my business and its features. Now create you google my business account or Manage it on GMB Dashboard. If you have any Question or suggestions for us.

Please write to us in below comment box.

Marketing and promotional activities are amongst the most critical activities towards product selling. Originally the marketing lines were used to differentiate between promotional activities which have mass market penetration (above the line or ATL) as compared to those had specific segmental penetration (below the line or BTL).

All about ATL, BTL and TTL Marketing Activities 12 The Digital Chapters

Over a period of time with advancement in technologies and increased competition, an integrated market penetration approach emerged which blurred the lines and included aspects of both ATL and BTL approaches.

This approach is called Through the Line or the TTL approach. This article looks at understanding these various approaches through real life examples, looks at various activities and ideas involved in the approaches.

Table of content

  1. Above the Line (ATL) advertising
  2. Types of above the line activities
    • Television
    • Radio
    • Print advertisements
    • Outdoor Advertising/ Cinema Advertising
  3. An example of ATL marketing activity
  4. Advantages of ATL marketing
  5. Disadvantages of ATL marketing
  6. Below the Line (BTL) advertising
  7. Types of above the line activities
    • Television
    • Radio
    • Print advertisements
    • Outdoor Advertising/ Cinema Advertising
  8. An example of ATL marketing activity
  9. Advantages of ATL marketing
  10. Disadvantages of ATL marketing
  11. Through the Line (TTL) advertising
    • Examples of TTL marketing
  12. Conclusion

Above the Line (ATL) advertising

‘ATL Marketing’ or ‘Above the Line Marketing’ is the kind of marketing that has a very broad reach and is largely not specifically directed.

All about ATL, BTL and TTL Marketing Activities 13 The Digital Chapters

It is a sort of a mass market traditional marketing approach to create or spread brand awareness on a large scale or a mass scale.

ATL is extensively used for products which are of mass use and specific targeting is not needed or not required.

The primary purpose of the ATL approach is not to track specific customer conversations but to educate the customers on the existence of a product and look at building a brand.

Given its nature ATL uses untargeted mass market methods with an intent of directing the sales message at anybody with access to advertising mediums.

Consider an example of a soap bar. Being an FMCG product it is an apt candidate for ATL marketing. Mass market products like soap require maximum market coverage instead of specific segment coverage.

Since a lot of alternatives are available for FMCG products, the higher the amount of ATL advertising, more will be the branch recall and consequently the sale.

Hence FMCG companies are likely to employ ATL promotion method.

Types of Above the Line Activities

o   Television

Television is a widely used but an expensive ATL medium. An average viewer spends a few hours in front of the television everyday. TV advertisements have a wide reach from local, to national to an international target audience.

Television advertisements have lasting impact with the audiences as moving images are accompanied with audio signals which create a lasting impression in the mind of the viewer.

o   Radio

Radio is an affordable alternative to television and is extensively used for repeat messaging. Constant repeat messaging in the form of jingles attracts viewer attention. Radios too have a reach ranging from local to international.

o   Print Advertisements (magazine & newspaper)

Local, regional and national print media has a wide direct reach.

The newspapers and magazine are tangible items and the advertisements here have a repeat value in the sense that the same advertisement can be referred again and again.

Newspapers have several advertisement-slots that can be used to inform customers / prospective customers about the brand offering or prevalent promotion schemes.

Magazines exist in segments and make it easier for marketers to reach their target directly through them.

o   Outdoor Advertising/ Cinema Advertising

Outdoor advertising is done through banners, billboards, flags, tickers etc. To ensure effectiveness they are usually done at public places and hence they attract a lot of eyeballs.

An alternative method of advertisement is via cinemas where ads are normally run before the beginning of the move or during the intermission.

If we arrange the ATL medium spends in relation to the cost, get the below

Television >> Newspapers >> Radio / Out of home >> Cinema

Example of ATL Marketing Activity

An apt example would be the campaign run by Nirma for its washing power.

All about ATL, BTL and TTL Marketing Activities 14 The Digital Chapters

It has created some great commercials that are shown via television channels, radio, newspapers and magazines.

The ads are aired across the country through these medium and every viewer sees the exact same message.

These ads are be used to create brand awareness and convey information regarding the washing powder.

Advantages of ATL Marketing

Wider Reach

A well designed ATL campaign ensured greater market reach and helps the company spread its brand product message far and wide.

Several banks and retail chains regularly use ATL campaigns to attract customers to their points of sale.


Combining audio with visual enables the penetration levels of ATL to be higher than the other means of promotion.

Newspapers have high involvement so that the customer does read through the ads also. Similarly large illuminated billboards and tickers attract attention.

Brand building

It effectively enable a company to build its brand

Disadvantages of ATL Marketing

  • It is costly.
  • It is difficult to directly measure the impact in terms of sales. Directly measuring the effectiveness of ROI of a television of a newspaper campaign is difficult.

Below the Line Advertising

BTL refers to the practices of making use of means of advertisement and promotion that do not directly use mass media like radio, television, billboards, print, and other outdoor formats.

All about ATL, BTL and TTL Marketing Activities 15 The Digital Chapters

BTL methods are typically used to target specific audience instead of casting a campaign for the mass markets.

The main types of below-the-line advertising systems include direct mail campaigns, trade shows, catalogs, and targeted search engine marketing.

BTL advertising methods tend to be less expensive and more focused versus above-the-line strategies. BTL methods are comparatively low cost which target a specific audience and is a focussed means of communication.

For instance, a BTL approach would focus on something like an in-store demonstration of product rather than airing a television campaign during a show.

This allows of a specific high-level customer experience since there is direct interaction between the customer and the sales person.

Types of Below the Line Activities

Targeted online marketing

Many companies indulge in direct targeted SMS facilities, social media posts and targeted pamphlets to the target audience.

Advertisers can target specific demographics with their promotion campaign such as age, income, industry related targeting.

LinkedIn for example allows agencies to target specific audience based on their professional experience.

Online marketing can also use tools like Google apps. The internet is one of the fastest growing vehicle for BTL advertisement.

Direct Mailing

Agencies still engage in direct mail advertising, generally targeting the older demographics that are not online as often as their younger counterparts. Catalaog mailings and postcard mailings are popular forms of this form of advertisement.

Trade Shows and Presentations

A good way to target a specified audience it through dedicated trade shows and presentation. This method is widely used by companies in the technical and sector.

Common examples are automobile expo`s, machine fairs etc.

Sponsorship of events and competition

Another effective means of advertisement is sponsorship of an event which makes use of your product/ services.

For example, a sport company sponsoring a tennis event or a badminton event is a prime example

Sales promotions

This is a very common method of attracting a customer. Do you notice how several E- commerce companies keep coming up with “SALE” under some pretext or the other.

This s because they want to sell in high volume. Sales promotion is not used only at the end consumer.

Dealers can be given additional discounts just so they pick up higher volumes and hence focuses on the product to sell it better.

Example of BTL Marketing Activity

Consider the example of low calorie drink by Coca Cola, targeting commuters on way to the gym. Coke offers free samples of their drink along with promotional vouchers that could be redeemed in local stores.

This is an effective strategy designed to target a defined group of people (health conscious) to encourage quick turnaround in terms of purchases.

Advantages of BTL Marketing

  • Great for building customer relationship through targeted promotion
  • Required lower capital commitment compared to traditional ATL methods.
  • Offers a deep direct reach and the opportunity to connect with customers in an entirely new way
  • The effectiveness of the promotion is comparatively easier to track in terms of the ROI sales/ leads generated.
  • It has the potential for viral marketing
  • Better conversation/ response rate compared to traditional ATL methods.
  • This method of promotion is highly relevant to the local traditions and culture as advertisement can be customized to the local preferences

Disadvantages of BTL Marketing

  • Defining correct target segments may be difficult
  • Specific and detailed training may be required for sales staff.
  • This requires a deep understanding of the customers and their preferences.
  • It cannot be a template method to target diverse cultures and same would need personalization.

Through the Line

TTL method of promotion encompasses an integrated approach adopting partial strategies of both ATL and BTL methods.

All about ATL, BTL and TTL Marketing Activities 16 The Digital Chapters

The primary objective is to get a “Big Picture” of the market and communicate with the customers with in every possible means.

Combining both ATL and BTL activities, TTL activities aim at better brand recall and maximum brand visibility. It is 360-degree advertising where campaigns are developed with the vision of brand building as well as conversions.

With the rise of digital marketing an Pay Per Click models and social media, advertisers are looking at TTL approach to drive sales through increasing traffic either at websites or to physical stores.

The major challenge of TTL activities is the cost associated with implementing various promotional campaigns.

It is usually only established or financially secure companies that can implement TTL activities successfully.

Examples of TTL Marketing Activity

Let’s take an example of a well-known property developer DAMAC in UAE. It is a fine example of TTL advertising. It uses hoardings, mall activations and online banner ads in addition to print media.

As a part of ATL advertisements it places hoardings for its upcoming projects at key public places like the airport. This is untargeted marketing.

For its BTL campaign, DAMAC uses property booths inside malls. It effectively uses this campaign to generate leads within the target group.

With a TTL approach, DAMAC creates redirecting pages to direct traffic to its sales website.

It uses various campaigns on social media including FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube etc.

With the usage of cookies, it follows your trail through the internet.

Next time you login to your social media account again you are likely to see DAMAC ads. This time it may also include a personalized offer.

Numerous brands like BATA, RedChief Shoes, Monte Carlo, Lodha Developers amongst others follow a TTL approach.

Apart from ATL approaches, these companies provide customized campaigns for different demographics which form a part of the BTL campaign.

Additionally these brands come with various social media campaigns with an integrated 360 degree approach.


There is no “applicable in all situations” market approach. While ATL method may work for some companies like FMCG, others may need to adopt a BTL approach.

With the evaluation of customer preferences and advance of digital marketing a lot of companies are adopting the TTL approach.

Eventually it boils down to how well marketers read the market and what is the best fit for passing on your company`s message to the customer.

The Marketing Mix

The marketing mix is a traditional foundation model for business which provides the basis for marketing strategy for businesses. Whether it is a small home business or a multi-billion dollar conglomerate, understanding of the marketing mix is of paramount importance for it could mean the difference between success and failure.

The original concept of marketing mix was introduced by Neil Borden to refer to the distinct elements which according to him were critical to marketing of a product and differentiate it from its competitors.

Table of Content

  1. Product
  2. Price
  3. Promotion
  4. Place
  5. Advantages of a marketing mix
  6. Disadvantages and limitations of a marketing mix
  7. 4Ps explained with an example
    1. Product
    2. Price
    3. Promotion
    4. Place
  8. Conclusion

As years passed, the concept of marketing mix evolved into the “Four Ps” of marketing which were formally coined by E. Jerome Mcarthy.  The “Four Ps” in marketing are

  • Product
  • Price
  • Promotion
  • Place

Let’s explore these element in further details


According to Philip Kotler:

“A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption. It includes physical objects, services, personalities, place, organizations and ideas.”

In other words, product is something that the producer sells to its consumers in the market. It could be a tangible product, an experience, an idea or a service.

It is the first activity in the marketing cycle and begins with an idea. The idea is normally something which satisfies a customer need.

The product can be a tangible product, intangible like service or a combination of both.

For example a regular ball point pen is something where in normal course you would not expect a service following the sale.

However in a fine dining restaurant, you get the physical product (food) and along with it comes the service experience.

The service part determines the overall experience and would include the staff behavior, service time and ambiance.

The key to an effective product is ensuring you have the right offering for the customer demands. One must look at the product from the perspective of the customer. Ask yourself

1. Does your product benefit the customer?

2. Does your product have the necessary features?

3. How is your product unique in comparison to competitors?


The price is the value or the money the customer pays in exchange of your product or service. While the other elements of the marketing mix are en expense, price is an earning.

Getting the price right is extremely critical to success of your business.

There are several considerations while pricing and pricing definitely affects the customer perception of your product or brand.

For instance in automobiles a Suzuki car is priced very differently from a Mercedes car. One caters to the mass market while the other caters to a relative niche.

There are several pricing strategies like skimming (useful for innovative products), predatory low pricing (for a normal “new” product) or perceived value pricing (depending on product positioning).

Additionally one needs to be have a flexible approach toward pricing. It is important to understand the price elasticity of the product.

Decreasing the price slightly may cause a significant surge in demand.

While managing the pricing, ask yourself:

1. How does my price relate to my break-even ?

2. What is the perceived value of my product to the customer ?

3. How is my product prices in relation to the competitors?


Promotion is the most visible element of the marketing mix. It is essentially all the communication you make to your potential customer regarding your product or service.

The promotion mix for your said product/ service is defines by various factors and can greatly influence the end success.

Promotion could be in the form of formal advertising, personal selling, online selling or relationship based selling. With the advent of the digital channels the promotional activity have undergone a sea change.

Aside from the television and print medium, internet has emerged as a strong alternative medium with an extensive reach. However for expensive or niche products personal selling still works best.

The promotion activities need to evolve constantly with changing times as the market is extremely dynamic.

Strategies that work today may not work tomorrow, so one must constantly tinker their plans.

When it comes to promotion, ask yourself:

1. How much can you spend on promotion?

2. Should you go for television ads or online or mix of both?

3. Does your promotional message convey your product or service essence?

4. How does your promotion compare with that of your competitors


This is often the most overlooked aspect of the marketing mix. However placement is an extremely critical part.

Place here refers to the product placement and encompasses things like distribution network and the various channels employed for the same.

The important of placement in the marketing mix cannot be overestimated. What is the use of a great, well priced product that people know of but they cannot access it.

As a producer, you need to make sure that your product is available in areas accessible to your end consumer. For this one needs a thorough understanding of the market and the customer accessibility.

Putting it simply, it would mean answers questions like how is your sold and where is it brought.

The movement of the product from your production facility to the end customer could be through a combination of intermediaries like distributors, wholesalers and retailers.

You product or service normally dictates how it is placed.

You may look at direct selling (useful in case of seasonal products) or look at more complex Distribution methods may include, but are not limited to, door-to-door, retail, e-commerce, mail order, or on-site.

Depending on the market being catered you could look at intensive distribution, selective distribution or exclusive distribution.

The power of distribution is demonstrated by organization like Coca-Cola where the distribution channels are so strong.

So have a strong product placement, ask yourself the following

1. Where would your customers normally look for your product?

2. Are your products available at the right place and at the right time?

3. Where does your placement stand in relation to your competitors?

4. Marketing mix is an effective foundation framework that has certain advantages

Advantages of a marketing mix

It brings together various aspects of marketing decision making into a single framework making it easier to manage.

Allows segregating of marketing activities and allocation of the same to specialists.

It helps identify key drivers of sales, profit and performance.

It helps identify several high level “What if” scenarios and that compare market tactics; product sales activities and asses budget allocation across channels

It helps identify where you stand in conjunction to your competitors.

Enables you to efficient resource allocation across various activities and allows varying your activities in relation to the market conditions prevalent.

Allows you to take decisions taking in mind various interconnected aspects of marketing.

But like every framework, the traditional marketing mix also has a few drawbacks and limitations. One needs to be aware of the framework while applying it in a business context.

Disadvantages and limitations of a marketing mix

The marketing mix is not oriented towards customer behaviour, but is internal to the producer organization

The model does not take into account an iterative process of customer interaction and considers the customers as passive.

It is simplistic in the fact that it considers a singular product or service. However in today`s times most companies sell several products and services in a mix.

It does not account for customer relationships in terms of understanding behaviour patterns. This is an important

It does not address issues pertaining to productivity in terms of quality of product or service delivery.

Over the years the marketing mix has evolved to include three other elements i.e.  People, processes and Physical environment.

This has helped overcome some of the limitations to an extent. However overall the model is still oriented internally.


This aspect deals with the people driving the marketing mix. Having the right people is essential as they are the one`s driving your service experience to the customer.


This deals with the steps which are required to deliver the product or service to the customer. The companies should share the process maps to their employees to ensure repeatable and successful delivery of product or service.

Physical Evidence 

This could be the place where the service is delivered and would include the branding and overall environment for the service delivery.

4Ps explained with an example

Let’s consider the example of McDonald’s. McDonald’s mix (4Ps) involves varied approaches that enable it to meet its business targets in geographically and economically different markets spread across the world.

McDonald`s uses it`s globally acclaimed marketing mix and replicated it across numerous locations and franchise.

While it is mostly standardized, McDonald’s also applies some variations in its marketing mix to suit the conditions of local or regional markets. 


Its product mix consists mostly of food and beverage products.

The product mix includes vegetarian and non-vegetarian options and has gradually expanded the product offerings from its famous burgers to items like deserts, breakfast options, and customized beverages.

Expanding the product mix reduces the company’s dependence on singular products.


The company uses unique pricing strategies including bundle and psychological pricing strategies. For example bundling items together into a happy meal and offering pricing that is less than the sum of whole.

Also offering prices like INR 49/99/- instead of INR 50/- or INR 100/-


McDonald’s extensively uses television and print advertisement for its products.

Additionally attaching discount coupons with newspapers is another popular method of attracting people to its restaurants or incentivise people to order home.


McDonald’s delivers its product and services through a mix of restaurants, kiosks, mobile apps and its website.

While its restaurants are the places where the company generates the majority of the revenues, the other formats are becoming increasingly popular.

For instance the small kiosks deal with limited items like ice creams and drinks, while the app and the website are extensively used to order from home.


While the Marketing Mix products a useful framework for evolving the marketing strategies, in today`s time, it must be used in conjunction with strategies that account for customer behaviour and customer relationship management. In other words, the marketing mix must be customer-centric.

Top Digital Tools and Software to use while working from Home in

“Work from home,” demands appropriate utilization of the best technology for working remotely. It would mean proper know-how about remote working tools and work from home tools as well.

“Work from home,” would also require remote working equipment along with remote working accessories.

Top 10 types of Digital Tools and Software to use while working from Home 18 The Digital Chapters

Table of Content

  1. Hardware Tools
    1. Mobile
    2. Laptop
    3. Camera
    4. Wifi-Internet
  2. Google Tools
    1. Drive
    2. gmail
    3. Hangout
    4. sHEET
  3. Video communication and Conference Tools
    1. ZOOM
    2. SKYPE
    3. PukkaTeam
    4. Join.Me
  4. Real-time messaging and Group Chat
    1. Glip  
    2. Float
    3. Chanty
    4. Hangouts Chat
    5. Slack
    6. Flock
    7. Campfire
  5. Project management tool
    1. GanttPRO
    2. Teamdeck
    4. Podio
    5. Microsoft Teams
    6. Asana
  6. Task Management and Task reporting
    1. Datadeck
    2. Ninja Reports
    3. Trello
    4. Taskworld
    5. Wunderlist
  7. Screen Sharing Tools
    1. ScreenHero
    2. GitHub
    3. TeamViewer
  8. Cloud Storage, File Sharing and teamwork Collaboration  
    1. Google Drive
    2. Dropbox
    3. Box
  9. Time Management tools
    1. Timely
    2. Toggle
    3. everhour
  10. Performance Management Tools
    1. WebLOAD
    2. LoadView
    3. RedLine13
    4. Silk Performer
    5. LoadUI Pro

In order to facilitate “Work from home,” we attempt to shed some light upon the prominent remote working accessories and the top 10 digital tools available for working from your home.

1. Hardware Tools:

A very important component of the remote working equipment is the Hardware tools. These tools provide us with the framework to facilitate “Work from home.” Some of the important Hardware Tools are as follows:

1.1 Mobile:

A mobile phone is a critical element of the work from home tools. A mobile phone facilitates communication through voice calls, text messaging, group messaging, chats and the like.

A mobile phone also facilitates quick mail sending and receiving process at your fingertips.

1.2 Laptop:

A laptop is an absolute necessity to log on to your work domain and connect to critical work processes over a secured channel. A laptop can become an easy substitute to your workplace desktop machine.

1.3 Camera:

A camera facilitates video chatting, video conferences and live teleconferencing. This provides an opportunity to share your work related queries, and discuss problems and solutions with colleagues and clients.

1.4 Wi-Fi-Internet

One of the most essential work from home tools is the Internet. Without the availability of internet, you won’t be able to connect with your servers and also no conferencing facilities and email or chatting facilities would be available to you.

Moreover, a Wi-Fi availability is an absolute necessity to get you Laptop and Mobile connected with the Internet easily.

The Wi-Fi connectivity ensures you can easily perform your tasks sitting in your own room without much interference from others around.

2. Google Tools

Google tools are a set of accessories and tools which you can easily utilize during the “Work from home.” Google has developed a wide variety of tools and the following ones are few of them you should know about for using them as work from home tools.

2.1 Drive

Top 10 types of Digital Tools and Software to use while working from Home

Google Drive is a powerful and spacious cloud storage platform provided by Google. You can keep all your essential files in Google Drive and carry them around virtually accessing them as and when required over the internet. The files stored in Google Drive are much secured as Google has a very safe Security Policy protecting the Integrity of Drive files.

2.2 Gmail

Gmail is the mail service provided by Google. It is of types one a free email service the other a paid one. Gmail enables you to utilise their mail service and global network for faster and reliable Email delivery and receipt services.

2.3 Hangout

Google has created an effective and modern chat service named Hangout. Through Hangout, you can chat and instantaneously message your colleagues and clients or seniors and communicate with them over the Internet. It also allows audio and video chats and messages as well as file sharing.

 2.4 Goolge SHEETS / Spread Sheet

Google SHEETS are cloud based spreadsheet document program developed by Google. With SHEETS, you can easily perform all your tabulation and reporting work online over the internet. This tool can be one very handy remote working tool and can easily assist you in report generation while working from home.

3. Video Communication and Conference Tools

In order to effective confer with colleagues and clients; video conferencing over the internet is a very essential remote working tool. The following conferencing tools may be resorted to while working from home.

Top 10 types of Digital Tools and Software to use while working from Home

3.1 ZOOM

ZOOM is an effective business video conferencing platform which can be used to host and join video conference meetings. ZOOM also supports Video Webinar, Conference Rooms, Phone System and Business Instant Messaging.


Skype is one powerful and robust video calling software. It was launched in 2003. Since its launch, Skype has grown to be well known and massively used software. Skype Calls are very clear and of a higher quality. Skype also supports audio messaging and file sharing.

3.3 PukkaTeam

PukkaTeam is remote communication software. It keeps you in touch with your teammates and has a very smart artificial Intelligence enabled system which detects the presence and absence of any member during the meeting sessions.

3.4 JoinMe

JoinMe is a simple yet powerful application designed for web based meetings and conferences. It supports screen sharing and also shares applications, web pages and documents with partners.

4. Real-Time Messaging and Group Chats

Real-time Messaging has grown in prominence over the years with the advent of the internet; text messaging has made way for its real-time counterpart-Instant Messaging. 

Top 10 types of Digital Tools and Software to use while working from Home

Instant Messaging and Group Chats are effective remote working accessories, which help you to know the responses of teammates over an issue.

Some popular Messaging and Chat Softwares are:

4.1 GLIP

It is software which encompasses free real-time messaging and chats. GLIP also supports video chats and task management and is aimed at team collaboration and task completion.

4.2 Float

Float is a resource planning application which provides you composite availability status of your teammates, track team’s timings, and multi-project planning and provides you with easy and stress free scheduling power.

4.3 Chanty

Chanty is powerful real-time chatting software which is incorporated with Artificial Intelligence.  It lets you to communicate, collaborate, connect, organize meetings and create a Focus notification smartly.

4.4 Hangouts Chat

Google’s Hangout chats provides excellent medium of multi-party communication using voice, video and group conferencing. File sharing and resource sharing are added features of Hangouts with the added assurance of Google’s privacy and safety.

4.5 Slack

Slack is an advanced business application incorporating real-time chatting and files sharing features. Slack is a secured environment wherein you can collaborate with teammates and discuss with them critical business or process related issues securely.

4.6 Flock

It is one of the best team communication applications with inbuilt online collaboration feature, team messaging feature, video calling feature, and resource sharing feature.

5. Project Management Tools

Top 10 types of Digital Tools and Software to use while working from Home

When at home, and working on a certain project, these project management tools offer us with the best technology for working remotely. We take a look into details of some of them.

5.1 GanttPRO

GanttPRO is very efficient software for online project management. Armed with tools like online drag and drop facility, team progress monitoring and management and a mix of online plans for your project.

5.2 Teamdeck

Teamdeck is another project resource management tool, which can be utilised effectively for scheduling, time tracking, online leave management and preparing timesheets of fellow colleagues and subordinates.

5.3 can be termed as a complete work operating system. It enables you to create and manage an entire workflow in a code-free and secure environment.

5.4 Podio

It is a web based platform providing team communication, organizing tools, resource management and workspaces as demanded by users.

5.5 Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a unified team collaboration and communication platform. This platform gives its users workspaces, text and video chats and meetings as well as file storage facilities to choose from as per their needs and demands.

5.6 Asana

Asana is an application which is developed to give its users the facilities like organizing, tracking and managing work. It can well be regarded as a team productivity monitoring tool which encompasses team collaboration as well.

6. Task Management and Task Reporting

The following are some of the Task Management and Task Reporting tools which could constitute remote working accessories.

Top 10 types of Digital Tools and Software to use while working from Home

6.1 Datadeck 

Datadeck is a modern and efficient way to create goal oriented teams and manage processes and businesses using data. It enables you to track and monitor data and identify trends facilitating actions and optimizations.

6.2 Ninja Reports

Ninja Reports uses Artificial Intelligence to prepare beautifully compiled and stunning reports of your project.

6.3 Trello

Trello lets you optimize your day to day tasks by facilitating list-making which forms basics steps in project organizing.

6.4 Taskworld

Taskworld is a cloud based platform facilitating project management by means of task management. It provides means and medium for task delegation, proper communication and tracking for effective task monitoring.

6.5 Wunderlust

Wunderlust is another cloud based project management platform designed to enable its users numerous facilities to choose from. But sadly enough Wunderlust is being discontinued and is going to end in May 2020.

7. Screen Sharing Tools

In the context of work from home tools, screen sharing tools are very important medium and amongst the best technologies for working remotely. Some of them are as follows:

Top 10 types of Digital Tools and Software to use while working from Home

7.1 ScreenHero

ScreenHero is a collaboration tool which can be utilised to share screen, keyboards and mice together for simultaneous project work completion.

7.2 GitHub

GitHub is another powerful screen sharing and hosting software, which enables developers discover, share, and contribute for building better software.

7.3 Teamviewer

Teamviewer is a very powerful application which facilitates remote desktop sharing, file sharing and transfer facilities.

8. Cloud Storage, File Sharing and teamwork Collaboration

Cloud storage, file sharing and team collaboration tools are remote working tools which may be beneficial during work from home. Some of them are:

Top 10 types of Digital Tools and Software to use while working from Home

8.1 Google Drive

Google Drive is an online storage platform which provides relentless and safe data storage facilities to users over the cloud.

8.2 Dropbox

Dropbox is another online storage platform facilitating online file storage and sharing. Dropbox enables link sharing via emails amongst users and supports data privacy and security.

8.3 Box

Box is a cloud based content management and file sharing service. This service enables its users to perform data storage and secure sharing facilities to its users.

9. Time Management tools: 

Time management is very important aspect of “Work from Home.” The following tools can be utilized as effective remote working tools:

Top 10 types of Digital Tools and Software to use while working from Home

9.1 Timely

Timely is a fully automatic time tracking software designed to keep track of timings to facilitate workload balances.

9.2 Toggle

Toggle is another time tracking application designed for online time tracking and recording.

9.3 EverHour

EverHour is team time tracking software which enables users to track and record timings of teammates and group mates.

10. Performance Management Tools:

Performance management tools are essential remote working tools intended to gauge the performance of the processes and projects. Some of the tools are:

Top 10 types of Digital Tools and Software to use while working from Home

10.1 WebLoad

WebLoad is a unique performance management tools designed to monitor project progress performance using very sophisticated web based tools.

10.2 LoadView

Loadview is another performance management tool used to analyze team task progress.

10.3 Redline13

RedLIne13 is a power tool for online project management and progress measuring.

10.4 Blazemeter

Blazemeter tool is software which enables mangers to monitor project progress very minutely and address needs if any.

10.5 LoadUI Pro

LoadUI pro is a cloud based performance management software intented at online project management.

Marketing for Beginners: The 4ps of marketing explain

What is Marketing ? this is first question arises in Marketing Beginners mind. When you start learning the Marketing Basics, you are expected understand the meaning of Marketing. So, What are the Marketing Basics and What are the 4p’s of Marketing.

I am going to explain you everything about marketing for beginners by this blog.

Table of Content

  1. What is Marketing
  2. Importance of Marketing
  3. Marketing and Advertisement
  4. Marketing, Promotion, and Branding
  5. Types of Marketing
    1. Influencer Marketing
    2. Relationship Marketing:
    3. Viral marketing:
    4. Green Marketing
    5. Keyword Marketing
    6. Guerrilla Marketing
  6. 4 P’s of Marketing
    1. Product
    2. Price
    3. Place
    4. Promotion

What is Marketing?

Marketing is an action that businesses take to promote their product and services.
This is a process where businesses create a set of activities to attract their potentials customers or clients to their product and services.

Shelby Hunt defined it in 1976 as

“the study and management of exchange relationships” in the Journal of Marketing.

The American Marketing Association, in 2017, defined marketing as

“the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”

As we can see, this a very broad definition that encompasses a lot of areas to focus on.

To understand marketing, we must break down the definition and look at it in parts. The first part of the definition – “the activity, set of institutions and processes” refers to activities such as advertising and institutions like corporations and their brands.

The American Marketing Association defines a brand as

“a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.”

These brands utilize processes and activities for “creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging” goods and/or services that are designed specifically to be of great value to the consumer in question.

The last part of the definition refers to how marketing and its principles apply not only in business or economic contexts but to general societal situations as well.

In a more practical sense, marketing can be referred to as a means of acquiring and applying the knowledge of consumer patterns, preferences and needs to maximize the satisfaction of the consumer and increase the outreach and efficiency of advertisement strategies and promotional campaigns.

It is the process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers’ needs and wants.

Marketing techniques and processes are the way through which manufacturers obtain data about consumer behavior and patterns of spending, as well as other data such as age and race demographics.

The data is compiled and analyzed to anticipate consumer behavior and provide an insight into the mind of a consumer. Through this research, a company understands the needs and wants of a consumer, which allows them to predict the value a consumer derives from a good or service with greater accuracy.

This allows the company to establish a long-standing relationship with the consumer that is beneficial to both parties.

Importance of Marketing

Therefore, marketing plays a very important role in contributing to a company’s sales, revenue and profit margins.

From deciding what product to manufacture, to how it will be delivered to the consumer and through which channels, all the answers to these questions involve marketing heavily.

The data is then used as the basis for promotional strategies adopted by companies, as well as advertising campaigns launched by them.

Apart from making up a huge and crucial component of sales and advertisement, marketing plays an important role in other areas of a company.

Not only does it impact a company’s manufacturing and sales policies, but marketing is also responsible for how a company is perceived by its consumers and society at large.

The overall image of a company and the creation of its brand identity is something that is handled by the marketing department and can play a huge role in a company’s fortunes.

For example – The perception of Apple being an ‘elite’ brand allows them to retain a large market percentage despite facing stiff competition from rivals that sell at lower prices.

Marketing covers product development, market research, advertisement campaigns, product distribution, sales strategy, public relations, and customer support.

It remains necessary in all the stages of a sale, and it can be used in multiple ways such as various social media platforms, or teams of people identifying consumer behavior and acting on it to establish a long-standing relationship with the consumer and maximize brand loyalty.

Advertising comes under the process of marketing.

The Economic Times defines advertising as

“a means of communication with the users of a product or service.”

The UK Advertising association defines it as such

“Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are intended to inform or influence people who receive them.”

Advertising is a means of grabbing a consumer’s attention and making them aware of a certain good or service and its benefits, usually through platforms where the seller is paying to make the consumer aware of the good or service.

The decision of what good or service to advertise, where to advertise it, and how are all decided by the processes of marketing to maximize the effectiveness of the advertisements.

Marketing and Advertisement

Marketing is the main reason that we see the advertisements we do, and where we see them.

This is so because marketing processes allow companies to gauge or predict what kind of products consumers prefer, and thus allows them to start building a relationship with the consumer.

Promotion strategies are decided on the data that the tools of marketing help us in collecting.

For example, a company wanting to market a good/service for older people would advertise on platforms such as LinkedIn or Facebook, whereas a company looking to market a good to a younger audience would advertise on platforms such as Twitter or Snapchat.

This is because we know that the demographic of users on Facebook and LinkedIn is that of older people whereas the user demographic of platforms such as Twitter and Snapchat leans toward younger people. This data is available to us due to market research done by fellow researchers.

Marketing, Promotion, and Branding

Marketing Basics for Beginners: Everything about Marketing 22 The Digital Chapters

Any feature of a company which it uses to distinguish itself from another company providing the same or similar goods/services is known as its brand.

For example, the four colored squares synonymous with Microsoft, or the three stripes we all have come to associate with Adidas.

Brands often align themselves with a certain demographic to maximize profits and the decision of which demographic to align with is one taken by marketing professionals.

The portrayal of Red Bull as being a brand for adventure thirsty people is crucial to the company, with it investing millions of dollars in ventures such as Formula1 and other obscure sports, which directly do not contribute to sales but help in increasing Red Bull’s reputation as THE drink for people seeking a thrill.

This has worked well for the company, as it has a dominant percentage of the energy drink market share. The functions of marketing allow for a company to maximize its profits on a good/service by targeting and aligning with a particular demographic through specifically designed promotion campaigns.

Types of Marketing

Business marketing is the practice of marketing goods or services to individuals or corporations, including the public and private sector, when they are not to be the final consumer.

This type of marketing is referred to as business-to-business or B2B for short.

According to the American Marketing Association, the various types of marketing that exist are :

Influencer Marketing:

It focuses on leveraging individuals who influence potential consumers. Rather than marketing directly to a large group of consumers, a brand hires influencers to get the word out on their behalf.

Relationship Marketing:

It refers to strategies and tactics for segmenting consumers to build loyalty. Rather than just listing the benefits of a good/service to potential consumers, brands phrase the content in such a way that it evokes an emotional response from the consumer.

Examples would include cement being advertised as being made from the country’s soil to evoke a nationalist sentiment

Viral marketing:

Marketing Basics for Beginners: Everything about Marketing 23 The Digital Chapters

It is a phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message.

It is done through social media platforms and brands often adopt hashtags, challenges, and memes to get the word out about their good or service. This is a tactic often used in tandem with influencer marketing

Green Marketing:

It refers to the development and marketing of products that are designed to minimize negative effects on the physical environment or to improve its quality.

This tactic employs the looming threat of global warming to effectively draw the attention of potential consumers to the goods/service.

Keyword Marketing:

This involves placing a marketing message in front of users based on the specific keywords and phrases they are using to search.

A key advantage of this method is that it gives marketers the ability to reach the right people with the right message at the right time. It also can be referred to as targeted advertising, where brands show the consumer content which they have displayed an interest in earlier.

Guerrilla Marketing:

This describes an unconventional and creative marketing strategy intended to get maximum results from minimal resources.

4 P’s of Marketing

In the 1960s, E Jerome McCarthy came up with the 4 Ps of marketing: product, price, place, promotion. Essentially, these 4 Ps explain how marketing interacts with each stage of the business :


A product is defined as a bundle of attributes (features, functions, benefits, and uses) capable of exchange or use; usually a mix of tangible and intangible forms.

Thus a product may be an idea, a physical entity (a good), or a service, or any combination of the three. It exists for the purpose of exchange in the satisfaction of individual and organisational goals.

The decision of outlining a target audience, looking a market fit for the good, deciding on the messages to be used to drive up revenue, modifications to be done to the good, etc are all taken by marketers on the basis of consumer data they’ve collected.


Price is the amount a customer must pay to acquire a product. The selling price of a product is decided by the company on 1 main factor – maximizing profits.

Should the company price the product too high, it will lose a big customer base and goodwill with consumers. Vice-versa, the company will suffer losses if the product is priced low.

Therefore marketers have to utilize consumer data to arrive at an acceptable price point


Place is also called distribution as refers to the act of marketing and carrying products to consumers. It is also used to describe the extent of market coverage for a given product.

Marketers have to understand what will be best for the company in terms of logistical and geographical terms.

Decisions such as having a physical store versus a website, or to market the product locally, nationally or internationally are all taken by marketers.


According to the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), promotion marketing includes tactics that encourage short-term purchase, influence trail and quantity of purchase, and are very measurable in volume, share, and profit. This includes tactics such as fire sales, raffles, coupons, etc.

The Basic Of Technical SEO: A complete Technical SEO guide

What is Technical SEO ? What are some difference

Imagine this scenario where you have just created an amazing video on your website, conducted extensive digital marketing to create the awareness of your video, the date of the launch has gone viral, and people are waiting impatiently to watch the video. Then the d-day comes, and it takes your website 10 seconds plus to load. What do you suppose will happen?

First, your visitors will get tired of waiting for the page to load, your bounce rate will increase, and Google will penalize your site.

This scenario is caused by a faulty technical SEO; and it also brings to fore, the vital importance of performing it on your website. What is technical SEO, how relevant is it for websites, what are the elements that make up a good technical SEO? 

What is a technical SEO?

Russ Jones of TECH SEO provides this interesting definition, he says

“any sufficiently technical action undertaken with the intent to improve search results”.

Russ Jones definition may be interesting, but it failed to pin-point some significant elements of technical SEO like Alexis Sanders of Merkle, he said

“Technical SEO covers the crawl, index, and render the portion of the “crawl, index, rank” model. 

It is important to conduct technical update SEO on your website because technical problems undermine the usability of your web pages. Everything that works behind to scene to make your website SEO requires some technical know-how.

For instance, producing basic content and making it search engine optimized to appear and rank high in search engine result requires different skills. Unfortunately, marketers avoid making the necessary modification that makes website contents relevant just because they lack technical knowledge.

The purpose and work of technical SEO:

  • To ensure that search engine bots can crawl or find your page which includes status codes, information structure, robots.txt, facets, status codes, and sitemaps.
  • To ensure that your web page is easily indexed by search engine spider
  • To make bots render your page, and that includes, DOM, JavaScript, and page speed
  • To ensure that the content of your pages are easily comprehensible by bots
  • To ensure that your web pages are giving out the right signals to search engine regarding handling content ranking
  • And finally, to ensure that your page is ranking worthy.

Generally speaking, if your website is not performing well in search engines ranking, the reason is mostly tied to a failed technical SEO job.

To a layman that is still confused about the meaning of skilled SEO practice, here is a simpler definition:

It is the optimization of your website for easy crawling and indexing by search engine bots, and the purpose is to enhance search visibility and website usability. 

Another way to understand it is when you compare skilled SEO to the function of a skeleton in the human body. The skeleton provides protection, shape, support, and structure to the body; this pretty much summarizes the benefit of skilled or technical SEO.

Also, like the skeleton that is not visible to the eyes, a technical SEO job is invisible, but the impact can only be seen through website performances.

The elements of technical SEO:

Mobile friendly:

Many people own cell phones and are literally glued to it they act as if it’s their life. Every day, people are buying cell phones including those who already have one; some have two or more cell phones, while some habitually change their phones frequently.

The use of a mobile phone for online browsing will increase in the 2020s, Google and other search engines recognized this trend; therefore, they have been working hard over the years to adjust their search algorithms to show this mobile phone craze.

In 2015, they introduced mobile phone related updates. In 2016, an indexing plan for mobile was introduced.

Mobile phone traffic is currently more popular than desktop traffic. People are now conducting searches through their phone 57% of traffics and visit to retail stores is from mobile gadgets. 

Base on the brief illustration above about mobile phone usage, you can see why making your web pages mobile-optimized is important.

The update by Google makes it so, and because Google controls 93% of the search engine space, everyone including search engines is compelled to comply with their mobile algorithm update dictates.

How can a website become optimized for mobile traffic?

The simpler way is to create a dynamic or responsive website that can adapt to screen size.

2.      Website Speed:

How fast your website loads is a critical requirement for SEO ranking. It doesn’t matter if you are operating from a mobile or desktop device, your web page speed is crucial. 

Website visitors generally are impatient and will simply leave a website for another if it takes too long to load; this action is called pogo-sticking, and Google hates it. A page that takes 10 seconds to loads increases bounces rate by 132%. A slow-loading page is one of the major reasons people abandon a website for another. 

Google reacts to pogo-sticking by reducing the ranking potential of a website. Technical SEO will ensure that your page load time is fast.

Reasons websites have speed problems are:

  • Images are poorly optimized or too big
  • No web content compression
  • Too many CSS image request on pages
  • No caching of information
  • Too many plugins installed on a website
  • CDN is absent for static files
  • Slow web host connection

3. Website errors:

Another aspect that technical search engine optimization deals with is site errors. The fact is website mistakes will tank your ranking; they are simply frustrating; everyone hates it, so should you. What causes a website error?

Most often, mistakes on the website are caused by broken links, missing pages, and incorrect redirects. To handle errors on websites, keep this in mind.

You have to handle 404 errors. Imagine clicking a website, and what you get is a 404 error. This gives a website a bad image and low credibility. Google simply hates it. 

Look for broken links and fix them:

A broken link is another aspect that requires technical SEO. Google hates broken links because it’s annoying. Envisage clicking on a link with the hope of reading an interesting article, and what happens? Nothing, no article to read; this is very frustrating especially if the situation persists on the same page. The next sensible action is you stop visiting that website. 

You can fix this problem by locating broken links; it’s not complicating. Also, avoid this problem by monitoring your link building effort. 

There are tools you can use online to discover and fix broken links.

4. Duplicate contents:

Producing content that is similar to another in several websites is called duplicate content, the crime is plagiarism. Duplicate content can be in the form of written content like articles, blog posts, images, videos, etc. Many webmasters use duplicate or plagiarized content on their website, and Google frowns against this practice – no one likes to read or view the same contents seen two or more websites. 

Check duplicate contents with Copyscape and avoid Google punishment.

5. Avoid crawl errors with sitemaps:

Never overlook crawl errors. What is a crawl error? It simply indicates that bots crawling your website discovers something amiss that will affect the ranking of your website. You can prevent this problem with sitemaps. Add a working sitemap on your website. 

A sitemap makes the crawling of your website easy, use XML sitemap on your website, and when you are done, present it to the search engines. After you have added it to the search engine, Google will easily index your pages.

6.      Long and confusing URL:

Does your URL have a query stricture at the end? If it does, take it off, because, it will constitute an indexing problem. Other problems that can cause index difficulties are, missing alt tags, title tags, and long or missing meta descriptions.

7.      Optimize images:

Having responsive visual content that enhances users’ experience is very portent for on-page and marketing SEO.

An abnormally large image can affect page load-time, make your website less mobile-friendly, and eventually, affect your Google ranking.

Apart from abnormal sized images, broken images can also damage user experience hence increasing the bounce rate.

Upload only top-quality images and use the Smush tool for compressing and optimization.

The Smush tool is a plugin that helps to reduce the size of your images to a point it doesn’t slow down your pages. T

he wonderful part about the tool is that it works without changing the quality of your pix.

Another tool is called Super Cache, used for producing pictures of your sites. It can reduce the number of data your website utilizes and increase your website load time.

8.      International SEO:

Some websites target international or global users. Such websites need to optimize their web pages to allow easy international user accessibility.

If your global target audience cannot access your sites, they will abandon it for another; this invariable leads to pogo-sticking that Google hates so much.

You can fix this technical issue through these 2 avenues:


A website that targets international audiences are nick-named multi-regional sites; to avoid SEO issues, they should select a URL that allows easy domain targeting. Using a “ccTLD like .ca, .uk,” or a country- exact subfolder like “.com/ca” is recommended.


If your sites target people of different languages, add “hreflang tag to notify Google that your pages have a duplicate for another language.

The basics of Technical SEO involve enhancing your website usability. It is a behind the scene optimization of your website structure and contents that makes indexing easy and Google ranking possible. It makes website responsive promoting excellent user experience. 

What is Brand Strategy? How to develop an effective Brand Strategy?

Before we go ahead to understand the meaning of Brand strategy we should to learn about Branding.  To create effective Brand strategy, one should go with Marketing Goals or Organisations goals. Business Goals and Brand Building or creating a Brand strategy should match to each other.

Here is the Table of Content list that we are explain in this article-:

  • What is a Brand
  • What is the Brand Image ?
  • What Is strategy ?
  • What is Brand Strategy ?
  • the position of the brand
  • The architecture associated with a Brand
  • Brand and Product Line Extensions
  • Why is branding Important ?
  • Brand Image and CSR

What is a Brand?

A brand is a company or group’s image as perceived by the customers when buying products or services in the market. A brand is a non-taxable asset, and if adequately maintained, brand image a go a long way to support a company or group power to the top.

What is the brand image?

Brand image is the identity that one associates a company or group with when purchasing a product or service. Brand image is an intangible asset for a company or group.

 A right brand image can help a company or group to do well in business and gain customer’s faith and confidence. Brand image can go a long way to generate more significant sales and increase the overall revenue of a company or group.

The brand image does not develop in one moment. It takes years and even decades for a company or group to become a successful and famous brand.

Brand image demands a company or group to make specific promises in terms of the product or service quality and standards.

The company or group must adhere to those standards, no matter how long it has been in business. The company or group needs to stick firm to the rules as per the commitment made by it earlier to its customers.

Any non-adherence to the quality or the standards of the company or group’s commitments are bound to harm the image gained by it and certainly decrease its sales and creditability in the minds of the customers.

What is Strategy?

A strategy is the process of determination of long term business goals and objectives of a company that at the proper allocation of necessary resources and the appropriate adoption of appropriate courses of action.

What are Brand Strategy and its importance?

Brand Strategy is a pretty hard concept to define. It encompasses the promises one sets to be associated with his or her company. The messages one conveys through the company.

The behavioral approach and practices followed in the company. To sum up, Brand Strategy is the company personality that its owners or promoters try and project to its customers and the markets in general.

A successful brand image created by a company or firm involves the adoption of specific vital strategies by it.

These strategies, when applied with proper planning and orientation, can push the company’s brand to greater heights and catapult its image amongst customers.

These strategies are as follows:

1. The positioning of a Brand

Positioning a brand refers to the place where you want your brand to be in a prospective customer’s mind.

It is a psychological level where you want to be when a customer, in search of a particular product or service. Ideally,   you want to reach to such a level of confidence, in a customer’s mind, that he or she will correlate a particular brand with a specific product.

For example, we often demand a packet of Surf in the market, not even realizing that Surf is the brand name of Hindustan Unilever Limited.

We are so used to with the name Surf that we tend to forget the actual name of the product that is detergent powder.

Brand Image

Such is the level of a brand that should ideally be thinking of positioning itself in the customer’s mind. Other examples of brand association with products are Colgate for toothpaste, Maggie for instant noodles, Life India Corporation of India with life coverage insurance policies, etc..

All these examples remind us about the brand-specific correlation with the product or service. Brand positioning regarding a place in a target customer should be high. A brand should be easily co relatable, and the benefits associated with a    brand’s product or services should be top.

There must be enough proofs available for a customer to verify with the benefits claimed by a Brand.

2. The architecture associated with a Brand

A brand is well perceived if it follows a   proper architecture related to the products and services it offers.

A brand can create a   master brand and then club multiple sub-brands under the same umbrella. For example, the Tata Sons have many sub-brands like Tata Steel, Tata Consultancy    Services, Tata Teleservices, Tata Motors, and so on under the parent brand of Tata.  

This generates a sense of the Tata flavour in any sub-brand offerings made.    Customers tend to go with the parent brand reputation when it comes to brand architecture is concerned.

A competent business firm can generate a broad business base and a wide array of businesses under the ahead and parent brand umbrella.

Talking of brand architectures and their management, another brand stands out; it is the Reliance   Group.

This group, too, holds several sub-brands like Reliance Jio, Reliance    Petroleum, Reliance Industries, and etc. all under the same parent brand Reliance.

This easily attracts customers to buy any product under the name of Reliance and effectively generates more significant revenue for the company and the group at large.

Thus brands with a distributed architecture are more likely to grow its business and spread its market reach and expand its businesses at large as compared with brands with the improper or weaker architecture of brands.

  3. Brand and Product Line Extensions

A brand producing a particular product can extend its product line to create variants of its existing products or services.

For example, Coca Cola has options like Diet Coke, Coca Cola Cherry Zero, etc. These variants constitute a product line extension of existing products of Coca Cola. Kinley also a product of Coca Cola, but it is in the market with an entirely new brand identity.

Thus this can be termed as Brand Extension. Brand extension is the creation of an entirely new brand for a product and launching it in the market. This minimizes the risk associated with the failure of a particular product, and it reduces the risk of deteriorating the existing brand image. 

In brand extension, a new product with a   different brand name is less likely to produce a significant impact on its failure on the parent brand.

This strategy is applied by many established brands to safeguard against product failures and minimizing risk associated with failed products or services.

Product extensions and product line extensions are, however, risky. The risk factor associated is a huge one.

As new products are just only an extension or curtailment of an existing brand, risks of failure are enormous, evolving out of a    product line extension failure upon the entire product range.

It can lead to loss of faith in the brand series and, as a result, can force producers to stop production of the whole range of products or services.

Why is branding important?

Reading through, we find that designing a brand strategy should be very intricate to impact a brand’s image growth positively. A particular brand has to very cautiously develop a customized brand strategy that suits its business, style, and ethical policies.

It should mould a plan to adapt its culture and values ideally. A company or group can think of developing a strategy wherein sustainable brand development becomes a reality.

It should choose the appropriate steps in brand strategy formulation, followed by its implementation. It should focus on customization to suit itself because not one size fits all businesses.

Brand Image and CSR

A company or group, to gain popularity and generate brand-loyal customers, must engage in some Corporate Social Responsibilities as well.

Engaging in Corporate Social Responsibilities helps develop a positive outlook towards the company in his or her mind. 

Corporate Social Responsibilities tend to make an impression that, “The Company has a good moral and social policy.”  This helps gather a great attraction of the media and the public at large towards the brand. Many people associate such a brand as “the brand to look forward to,” which represents greater faith in the company or the group at large.

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