eMAIL Marketing

Top 6 Tips to Create best Email Marketing Plan

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Tips to Create best Email Marketing Plan

Are you sending your first Email Marketing Campaign? Stop it now. A good Email Marketing plan always helps to reach the right audience and this is Email Marketing Strategy for you.
Create an Email Marketing Plan, Email Marketing Strategy, and Set Goals.

The ideal way to reach a target audience is email marketing. A maximum number of companies prefer email marketing to connect with the target audience, as it allows them to share information at large by shooting bulk emails.

Another reason to use email marketing is effectiveness and cost-efficiency. A high return on investment is expected with each emailer. Hence, companies prefer to spend less when they can earn more by using a specific technique.

If you wish to connect with the audience, then here is the way to build the best email marketing plan:

1. Create Your Email List

Firstly, build your email list because relevant content and a beautiful layout are useless if nobody is there to watch it. So, start preparing your email list for which you be required to do:

  • Insert Call-to-Action button on Website
  • Promote Newsletter on social media
  • Send invites to people to sign up for your email  list
  • Gather email addresses from point-of-sale such as billing desk, window shoppers and regular buyers.
  • Offer deals, discounts, coupons and referral points to those who have already signed up.

While doing all this, you will realize that building an email list is also easy and somewhat promotional to make your brand presence strong. 

2. Know your Audiences that you Wish to Connect With

It is important to segregate the email marketing plan as requirements vary from client to client. Let’s suppose you are promoting skincare products. Then, some potential buyers will come running to try the new range of products you are offering. However, some would just check in to see what all products are there. Similarly, some people will come down asking for a specific brand or a product.

So, you must have a convincing answer for each one of them. This can only be done by segregation. Hence, segregation will make your email marketing plan more effective to answer the right thing  to right people.

Segregation depends upon various factors such as customers by age, gender, customer type, loyalty level, and more. 

3. Build Campaign with Goals to Achieve

After finishing work on the email list and segregation process, now it’s time to focus on your goal. The best email marketing plan is the one which focuses on questions such as what will be the frequency of your email to the audience and what do expect the audience to do with the information you shared?

Your list of goals to achieve should include something like:

  • Growth in registrations for an upcoming event
  • Increase in bookings for appointments or treatments
  • Increase in Website Traffic where people can know more about your brand
  • Increase in footfall at outlet

You must have multiple goals to create content and shoot them at different times. Running behind only one goal will not work. Let’s suppose your goal is to increase footfall in your outlet.

This can be achieved by scheduling in-store events where people need to register their email addresses to mark their attendance. This goal can be accomplished by running an email marketing campaign.

4. Build Content Calendar for Email

Content is the king in email marketing as well. Thus, the content should be of the high-quality.

Plan a content calendar while noting down the purpose of the same. Select theme for the content if you plan to send a newsletter on a monthly basis. To create email content you can work on ideas such as:

  • Highlight blog content to increase website traffic
  • Build exclusive deals, coupons, and discounts for regular subscribers
  • Remind people about the upcoming events and ask to buy tickets for the same in advance
  • Share alluring photographs to get maximum user engagement as soon as email drops in the subscriber’s inbox
  • Send personalized messages to the subscribers

Set the tone right while writing email content and choose relevant images, fonts and templates to make the entire email look perfect.

5. Monitor your Growth

The most important and crucial stage of the best email marketing plan is to monitor your growth. Keep a track of important points such as open rate, click-through- rate, and unsubscribe rate. All these things will help you understand where the scope for improvement is?

You can also monitor conversions which were possible because of the content. Give them exclusive coupons and deals for the same and foster your relationship with the client.

Monitor the above-mentioned points every month and find your growth trajectory moving with time. It will prove beneficial in strengthening the brand presence and win customer loyalty like no other company.

6. Timely Review Your Email Marketing Plan

Email marketing plan proves beneficial to accomplish goals. But, only an effective email marketing plan can do so. Experience comes with time as you progress, you are likely to feel the need for change in approach. It is because not all subscribers or email receivers are responding the way you expected.

To meet your goals on time, it is important to review your email marketing plan at regular intervals. Steps to review email marketing plan:

  • Set up twice a year review system.
  • Review frequency, content, and call-to-actions in your email. Also, review email marketing plan according to the segregated data. Set new and higher goals to achieve in the next six months.
  • Understanding the importance of customer retention. You need support of loyal clients to gain the trust and reliability of the new prospects to yield maximum profit.

Use email marketing to stay connected with clients and keep them updated about every new thing in the business. It will help you hold back the client and promote your brand.


Email marketing is a smart, cost-efficient, and inefficient way to reach the target audience. Use it wisely and focus on all the above-mentioned points to build the best email marketing plan for the growth of the business.


Marketing Strategist|| Digital Marketing Professional || Content Marketing Expert

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